“We have a deepening crisis in the country, the upcoming EU migration pact and a tax on internal combustion vehicles and unfulfilled election promises of the new government.” what should be done – writes Konfederacja on the social network.

Constitutional overload

The first case concerns the struggle between the “new” and “old” authorities regarding the judicial system.

“Right away I introduced you to ours A proposal to reset the constitution, which is gaining more and more support! Other experts and publicists agree that the only real solution is our proposal: amendments to the constitution that would restore the composition, including the National Council of Justice, the Supreme Court and the Constitutional Tribunal, and create them in a new way. This is the only way to protect Poland from permanent legal paralysis!” – we read on the confederation's social media.

Reject the migration pact

In the next paragraph The confederation once again warns against the so-called migration pact.

“The Council and the European Parliament reached an agreement on the scandalous migration pact, which the Tusk government agreed to! The principle is to apply between member states: either you accept immigrants or pay heavy fines! This is “European solidarity” in practice. The “take or pay” principle is simple blackmail, Which means that illegal immigrants can be forced into Poland. As a confederation, we oppose mass and uncontrolled immigration into Poland! The EU border and the Schengen area must be closed. Immigrants must not come in, instead of being deported later. Prevention is better than cure!” – suggests formation.

Refuse to tax internal combustion vehicles

confederation successively expresses opposition The process of phasing out and ultimately phasing out combustion vehicles by the EU.

“Tax on internal combustion cars will come into force this year! First as a one-time tax on registration of internal combustion cars, and in 2026 as an annual ownership tax. All this as the so-called PiS government and the Tusk government agree. The tax on internal combustion cars is another manifestation of that anti-transport madness , which encompassed the Eurocrats and all political power in Poland except the confederation. It must be categorically rejected! – the confederation is postulated.

Enter a free amount of PLN 60,000. zloty

“Increasing the tax-free amount to PLN 60,000 was one of Donald Tusk's main pre-election promises, which he now abandons.” That is why, as a confederation, we submitted such a bill to the Sejm and requested it from Marshal Holonia. That this should be discussed at the next session of the Seimas. He says to the government coalition, “I am checking!” Enough of deceiving the citizens,” we read on the right-wing group's profile.

Voluntary ZUS for entrepreneurs

The last point also refers to economic issues. In this context, the confederation focuses on the narrative of the PSL and Poland's 2050 campaign.

“During the election campaign, Trzetsia Droga promised entrepreneurs voluntary ZUS and repeated this at many conferences and election materials. Then they claimed that they really meant the holidays from ZUS (The entrepreneur could not pay contributions only for a short time and only in “difficult circumstances”) several months and now Prime Minister Tusk announces that there will be holidays from ZUS, but… only for 1 month. This is a mockery of voters. That is why, as a confederation, we introduced a bill on voluntary ZUS.

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