Given the growing controversy surrounding the change of government, which was very clearly expressed in the public media, the court-ordered detention of PiS MPs, and then the new Attorney General's attempt to remove the National Prosecutor's Office. , a number of other issues have moved to the background, including Changes in educationThe new government announced.

Minister Nowachka: We will reduce the amount of material

On Monday, the media quoted fragments of the interview of the Minister of Education Barbara Novacka for the weekly “Newsweek”. The following fragment particularly caught my attention.

“To begin with, we will narrow the scope of the material in the subjects that teachers, experts and students indicate as the most problematic. These are: physics, chemistry, geography, biology, but also history and the Polish language”, the Ministry of National Education said in an interview that it is planned to introduce new foundations from the new academic year.

Novacka explained that it was about “relieving students' school duties”, which – as she claimed – everyone is paying attention to. According to the minister, “Unfortunately, the Polish school has become a place where no one likes to go.”

Novacka declared that teachers should have better working conditions and salaries, and principals “should be given autonomy, peace and the certainty that no party curator will punish them for their views.” Students, for their part, must make sure that “what they learn at school is really important, that it responds to the challenges and realities of our time,” because school “must ultimately adapt to a fast-paced world. And for that to happen, – the minister insisted, – we have to select the material, because the students are “tired of the so-called useless knowledge”.

What else needs to be changed?

The changes prepared by the Ministry of Education envisage the limitation of religious lessons and the number of readings. There will also be less homework.

– Today we can already say that the two-hour religion lesson is “excessive”, because – as he pointed out – children have more religion than other subjects. Therefore, he added, he hopes that there will be a general agreement around his postulate.

– The proposal consists of: Restriction of religious classes Up to one hour paid from the state budget. If local authorities or parents decide they like these hours more, it will be their decision, including the financial decision, he said in an interview with TVN 24.

Also read:
Religious lessons and homework. The Ministry of Education is planning such changes

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