President Andrzej Duda is to talk about the rule of law with Vera Zhurova in Davos. Is there any point in such attempts to break through the wall and interest the EU institutions in what is happening in Poland?

Prof. Zhuravski, aka Graevski: This is a mistake. The EU is not reacting to what is happening in Poland because it is in the interests of the mainstream. He wanted a change of government, it happened, and now the political scene is being cleared of mainstream EU political opponents. I don't see any political reason for his reaction. However, the attempt to get such a reaction will be used as propaganda by the current ruling camp by raising the issue that when they did this, PiS complained that they were calling for help from abroad and is still doing the same. It's just that they were effective, and in this case the president will be ineffective.

The US election is approaching, and Republican senators have taken the first steps to get American diplomacy interested in Polish issues. Polish thread can be used in the US, of course, as one of these?

I think marginally. This is not an issue that will affect a large number of voters. There is one exception – given the previous elections – the so-called swing issue claims to change preferences from election to election, showing that the votes of the Polish diaspora matter. If it goes to this level of detail, then the issue can become important for similar reasons. He's gone now.

Does PiS have room to maneuver in the international arena? I feel like I couldn't be more lonely.

In EU forces such as Fratelli d'Italia or VOX Spanish who are or may find themselves in a similar situation in the future and need help. Apart from Italy, where the Prime Minister comes from the Fratelli d'Italia, in other countries it is still the opposition forces. At this stage, it will not matter in the EU forum, but the creation of this type of alliances is desirable for the future.

Is the state of legal chaos in Poland favorable to, say, Putin's Russia?

To some extent, of course, yes, but not so much chaos, but the current government coalition that will act according to the political wishes of Germany. This means that the scale of Russian influence in the European Union, which largely depends on the scale of influence on the political world of Germany, is clearly increasing in this situation. Russian influence in Europe increases with the neutralization of Poland and subordination to Germany.

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