Władysław Kośniak-Kamiś proposes amendments to the Constitution to improve the functioning of the Constitutional Tribunal. According to him, the current legal crisis is the result of the “destruction” of the tribunal by the United Right-wing government. The politician said that “we live in a legal mess”. The solution is to go “one step further” and implement “real reform of the justice system”.

– I want the president to join me and accept the election results and a sovereign decision. I would like to introduce a new chapter of the Constitution, which will replace the entire Constitutional Tribunal. You can calculate the proposal, today no party has a constitutional majority, – he said in “Hotel” of Polsat News.

legal crisis

Kosniak-Kamis believes that law and justice will not recover from his election defeat and loss of power, which is why he “disagrees with the election results.” This, in turn, as the PSL leader claims, “is grist to the mill for Poland's opponents in the world.”

The politician also spoke President Duda's harsh words against his party. Let us remind you that Duda said that the People's Party participates in the government coalition that arrests MPs, which meant the arrest of Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Vesic.

– The president was not interested in PSL when we were in opposition for 8 years. He didn't care, because we didn't have the right to be a deputy marshal, a representative of the special services committee, or the head of the committee. He did not care when PiS's speaker, Mrs. Mazurek, said that we should be separated from public life, – said the Minister of National Defense.

– They did not care how they tried to take away our identity and history. I did not see support for the rehabilitation of Vincent Vitos and his release from the Brest court. Instead, the prosecutor, on behalf of the then prosecutor's office, submitted a request not to acquit Vitos, he added.

Also read:
Szydło: PSL has become a useless side dish for Tusk
Also read:
Kosińak-Kamish replied to the president. “Worth Implementation”

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