President Andrzej Duda gave a speech New Year message Sunday at 20:00.

The head of state spoke about the most important challenges facing Poland in 2024.

President Duda's New Year's message

– The recently ended year was a year of changes in Polish politics. After eight years, the parliamentary majority, the prime minister and the government have changed in our country. But the most important task before the government has not changed. It is necessary to take care of the security of our homeland, said President Andrzej Duda. – Serious external threats to our homeland have not disappeared anywhere. A full-scale war is still raging beyond our eastern border. Therefore, we must constantly strengthen and improve the Polish army and strengthen alliances. This policy cannot be withdrawn. Poland's security has no price, the leader explained. “As the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, I am always ready to work with the government on matters related to strengthening our security,” he added.

– We are dealing with a new situation in Polish politics. The president and the government are from different political camps. This is normal in a democracy. But in a democratic country, the constitution, the rule of law and good political customs must be respected. Unfortunately, in recent days, the government coalition trying to take over the public media has broken these rules. In independent Poland, for the first time since 1989, there was an attempt to take over the public media by force, turning off the television signals of some channels and stopping the broadcasting of news programs. Finally, Polish Television, Polish Radio and the Polish Press Agency were liquidated. I want to say clearly: those in power can reform the public media, but it must be done in accordance with the law. I have always been open to such discussions regarding legislative changes. However, I will never agree to violate the constitution. And this is the situation we are dealing with now, said Andrzej Duda.

President Duda: I call for a government coalition

– Successive announcements of making important decisions based on the resolutions of the Parliament cause serious concern. Resolutions of the Seimas do not have the legal force to be the basis for the actions of state bodies for citizens. Such actions are also clearly unconstitutional. If we agree to such a practice today, every new parliamentary majority will be able to act in this way in the future, the president said.

– I call on the government coalition to start respecting the principles of democratic law and respect citizens, regardless of their political views. These should be your political New Year's resolutions, the head of state said.

“I drew conclusions from that situation”

– We must state this clearly: legal chaos and internal conflict in Poland lead to the weakening of our state and, therefore, to the weakening of our security. We have faced such a situation before. I remember it perfectly because I was a minister in the chancellery of President Lech Kaczyński when Donald Tusk was the head of the government. I drew conclusions from this situation. I am ready to cooperate on the most important issues for Poland, but I am also ready for the situation when the government does not want such cooperation, said Andrzej Duda.

The President noted that 2024 is also a time of important anniversaries: the 25th anniversary of Poland's accession to the North Atlantic Alliance and the 20th anniversary of Poland's accession to the European Union. – Poland's presence in NATO and the European Union is the basis of our security. I have said this many times. This is the reason for the Polish state. But our presence in the European Union and NATO requires constant efforts to implement Poland's interests, the leader emphasized. “It will also be a year of preparation for our Presidency of the Council of the European Union in the first half of 2025. During the presidency, we can manage our priorities even better”, he said.

– Despite the great emotions that we have in Polish politics, the numerous disturbances in the world and the great drama of the war that is going on beyond our eastern border, may this be a good year for Poland, Polish affairs and Polish families. May this be a good year for you in your personal and professional life. I wish you health, happiness, love and peace – said President Andrzej Duda.

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