In December last year, Telewizja Polska underwent changes. The Minister of Culture appointed Piotr Zemla as the new head of the TVP Supervisory Board. On Monday, he spoke about a new feature on one of the radio stations. He also revealed how much he earns.

About changes in Zemła TVP. He revealed how much he earns

Piotr Zemla At the beginning of the conversation on Radio ZET, he said that he was ““Most Relevant” Chairman of the Supervisory Board of TVP.

– The fact that the court refused (to be included in the national court register – ed.) is only half of it. In the second half, we should ask you what effect it has, whether it is a final decision or not. It's not, it's already been challenged Liquidator of Telewizja Polska SA, Daniel Gorgosz – explained the lawyer. According to him, this ruling has already been appealed. He also noted that it was not legally binding.

As he explained, “this ruling of the court secretary does not establish the law, it does not establish whether I will be a member of the supervisory board or its chairman.”

Zemla also said that Tomasz Sigut “was the rightful president” (he is currently the CEO). – Now the liquidator is Mr. Daniel Gorgos and he has the right and obligation to manage the company and represent it externally – he explained.

What is quite interesting – Piotr Zemla does not receive remuneration for being on the Supervisory Board of TVP. – Do you work for free, in public, as a volunteer? – asked a rather surprised Beata Lubetska. Lawyer said he works 'socially', and his presence in the Council is the decision of the Minister of Culture. – The proposal came from him, I agreed – he said.

Changes in TVP. The site is back

Meanwhile, further changes are being made to TVP. As we reported, TVP Info service returned on the wave of revolution in Polish television.

Both the website and the YouTube channel were launched on Monday, January 15th. as reported virtual is managed by Andrzej Jaszczyn, formerly associated with ZPR Media Group.

The website has been down since late December. Why such a long break? due to verification. – In recent days, we have been checking the content of the website in terms of journalistic reliability. Propaganda-related materials that do not pass this verification will not be available to the public, Jaszczyn said. This means that some archived programs will no longer be available.

The new head of the website has revealed that his team is currently “working with very limited staff”. – It is partly composed of people who were previously employed. At the same time, intensive work is underway to strengthen it by new journalists, most of whom have many years of experience in creating the largest websites in Poland, he told Wirtualne Media.

Also read:,kim-jest-piotr-zemla-nowy-szef-rady-nadzorczej-tvp

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