Ursula Zielinska, Greens politician and State Secretary of the Ministry of Climate and Environment, told an informal summit of environment ministers that the EU should aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 90%. until 2040. Words of the Deputy Minister of Poland Brussels was surprised, because almost no member state makes such radical demands regarding the climate policy of the community. The Ministry of Climate and Environment said that Zielinski's position is not an official request of Poland in the EU arena.

Storm after Zielinski's words

Zielinski's radical proposal caused a storm on the Internet. Politicians and commentators point to far-reaching negative consequences for the Polish economy. They add that the difference of opinion between the minister and the deputy minister on this issue indicates that the ministry under the leadership of Paulina Hennig-Kloska is in chaos.

“The matter is extremely important. If Ms. @ Ula_Zielinska announced such a position and exceeded the mandate, the state tribunal is responsible for this. Such a level of reduction in 16 years is absolutely unattainable unless Polish industry is plowed into abject poverty. Is this the plan of this government? – asks “Do Rzeczy” columnist Łukasz Warzecha.

“Afraid of rising energy prices #FitFor55? Well, fasten your seat belts – the platform is already preparing us for #FitFor90. They will not only accept everything Berlin and Brussels offer – they will demand it. More… In 2040 these people will be long gone In Polish politics, they don't care about social costs, they do everything to be the best students in Brussels, as they fight for well-paid positions in the EU and other international organizations,” wrote PiS MP Pawel Jablonski.

“The position of the minister @ Ula_Zielinska is not the official position of the Polish government, and as I understand it, such a statement – says these words, by the way, @hennigkloska. The problem is that “such a statement” was made at a meeting of EU ministers, even informal. Dilettantes” – assessed Radoslav Fogiel from PiS.

“It's serious politics when Ursula Zielinska increases climate goals in English and Paulina Hennig-Kloska lowers them in Polish. It's better to do everything in one working day. Donald Tusk's serious country,” said Jacek Lisinkiewicz, journalist of Gazeta Polska. Everyday”.

“But I got angry with Minister Zielinska and Hennig-Kloska. Do you have communication there? There was already one such case in this government, about a 0 percent loan. But this time it is a statement in an international forum. There. There should be a resignation, but I don't know which lady made a mess,” wrote Marek Wrobel, president of the Republican Foundation.

“If Poland, through Minister Urszula Zielinska, really supports the goal of reducing CO2 emissions by 90 percent by 2040, I expect the EU to support the hundreds of billions needed to implement this ambitious plan, like Denmark and Germany.” – said Wojciech Jakobik, editor of Biznes Alert portal.

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