On January 21, in connection with Grandparents' Day, an open house day will be held in the Seimas. Szymon Hołownia invites elders with their grandchildren to the parliament. – We invite these two generations so that they can spend time together in our temple of Polish democracy, learn something interesting, talk and establish relationships – Marshall encourages.

Information about the open house appeared on Monday on the website of the Seimas. “Marshal of the Seimas Shimon Holavnia Invites grandparents and grandchildren to celebrate together. sometime Grandmother's Day and Grandfather's Day A special open day is planned for Sunday, January 21, from 10:00 to 17:00 in the Seimas,” we read.

Grandparents Day in Seim. Szymon Hołownia invites you to an open day

– We invite you Seim Let these two generations be in us Cathedral of Polish Democracy They could spend time together, learn something interesting, talk, build relationships between themselves, but also, I hope, between citizens and Parliament,” Marshall said, urging people to visit Parliament on Sunday.

As we read, the program of the event includes a guided tour of the Sejm building, including the Marshal's office. In addition, guests will be treated to sweet refreshments and rides in the style of the 1980s.

Let's remember that On the day when Shimon Holovnania was elected as a marshal At a short briefing with journalists, he said how the functioning of the lower house of the parliament will change. – We will open the Seimas for journalists, citizens, social organizations – he said on November 13, 2023. – We will open the Seimas in all possible ways – he added.

Also read: https://natemat.pl/528862,SZYmon-holownia-ruszyl-z-videopodcastem-sejm-tego-jeszcze-nie-bylo

One of his first decisions was to remove the barriers that surrounded the building on ul. Wiejska during the rule of law and justice. As we reported a few days ago on naTemat.pl However, Shimon Holownia gave his consent to bring them before the Sejm again. And it happened Criticism is mainly directed at PiS politicians.

It quickly became clear that there was reason to return to old practices January 11 march in Warsaw, which he called Yaroslav Kaczynski. – The police informed us that this is a matter of health, life and safety of the officers and protesters – explained the leader of Poland 2050 during the meeting with the students of the first secondary school. Boleslaw Limanowski in Warsaw.

On the second day of the PiS picket, the barriers in front of the Sejm disappeared. In an interview with TVN24, Marshal Holovnia stated that “it was an agreement with the police”. He added that as he said earlier, the parliament building will no longer be separated from society. – The barriers have disappeared, they will not be separated from people for 8 years, – he emphasized.

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