As the head of the Prime Minister's Chancellery Jan Grabiec informed, Tusk dismissed the members of the councils: Institute of War Losses, Institute of the Republic, Institute of Central Europe, Institute of Generation and Institute of the West. As long as it has the competence to appoint the members of the councils”.

Prof. Kucharczyk: The Tusk government's decisions form a coherent whole

Prof. Grzegorz Kucharczyk, a member of the board of the Western Institute, said on the air of “Republica TV” that he learned from Minister Grabiec that the Western Institute, which has been operating for almost 80 years, is an institution established by law and justice. – All this says about the knowledge of recent history of some members of this cabinet – he said.

According to him, the release of members of the Institute of War Losses, which was among others, was a problem Reparations from Germany Because of the damage done to Poland during the Second World War, “is incorporated into a certain totality of other decisions made by this government, which are primarily intended to ensure the welfare of our western neighbor.”

Mularczyk: Poland rejects the issue of reparations from Germany

Arkadiusz Mularczyk (PiS), chairman of the board of the War Loss Institute, said he sees Tusk's decision as “an element of the government's withdrawal from dealing with this topic (of reparations – ed.) in Polish-German relations.”

– This is strange, because not so long ago, on September 14, 2022, practically the entire civil platform, as well as many deputies from the left and the third way, voted for a resolution of the Sejm, which called on the German government to regulate the issue. He emphasized about reparations in Polish-German relations.

According to him, “the PO political faction wants to have good relations with Germany at the expense of our national interests.” “Perhaps, leaving this topic was one of the important stages to return to the mainstream of the European Union and to receive European funds,” Mularczyk said.

Report on war losses and the decision of the Morawiecki government

In a report on the losses suffered by Poland as a result of German aggression and occupation during the Second World War between 1939 and 1945, the total cost of losses was estimated at more than PLN 6 trillion.

in April of this year Mateusz Morawiecki's government adopted a resolution On the need to settle the issues of reparations, compensation and compensation in Polish-German relations in connection with the German attack on Poland in 1939 and the subsequent German occupation.

“The resolution of the Council of Ministers formally confirms that neither during the Polish People's Republic nor after the restoration of sovereignty in 1989, there was any question of reparations, compensations, reparations and other types of compensation for the damage caused to Poland and the Poles during the Second World War. He did not apply in any way. It is closed,” the document reads.

Also read:
Will they also cancel war losses?

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