“Jarosław Kaczynski today – December 31, 2023 – appeared with a parliamentary intervention at the TVP headquarters in Powstańców Warszawy Square,” reported the Karnowski brothers' right-wing website. Thus, as this report shows, the PiS president joined other MPs from his party who are on duty there. – We are in the middle of a fight – he told the portal wPolyce.pl.

Yaroslav Kaczynski It didn't appear the first time TVP building It is occupied by former employees of the station. According to the right-wing website, on December 31 President of PiS He joined the MPs on duty there and stated that they were in a fight.

– This is not a particularly easy moment, but this fight is inherently difficult, because we are facing an opponent who simply does not follow any rules. who rejected the law. who rejected the constitution. And I use today's often forgotten term “dehabitation”. This means the law ceases to function because it does not function, he said Kaczynski Reporter of the portal Polityce.pl.

As he said, “currently we are dealing with “dehabituation” to the Constitution. He added that “it appears that this constitution lacks many of the safeguards that should be in place to prevent the situation that currently exists.”

And also that “today we must first of all protect the Poles' right to information, because this is the only chance, or at least the only guarantee, that Poland will get back on track.”

PiS opposes the changes

remind you On December 19, the Seimas adopted a resolution “Regarding the restoration of legal order and impartiality”, among others Polish television. However, most PiS MPs did not participate in the voting. Instead, he appeared at the headquarters of TVP, ul. Voronitsa In Warsaw, public media changes are being protested.

On December 20, the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage announced that the Minister “In accordance with the provisions of the Code of Commercial Companies On December 19, 2023, Telewizja Polska SA, Polish Radio SA and Polish Press Agency SA and Supervisory Boards were dismissed and new Supervisory Boards of the aforementioned companies were appointed, which appointed new managers of the companies. .

same day The president of PiS appeared at the TVP headquarters. He was then met with cheers and applause, but also by the protesters. “I will throw you in jail,” shouted the angry crowd.

– Be careful, idiot, don't sit there, – answered the very nervous PiS president.

Also read: https://natemat.pl/532937,kaczynski-w-pap-nie-moze-sie-pogodzic-z-utrata-mediow-nie-zgadzam-sie

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