On Thursday, an MP from the Civil Coalition Dariush Yonski presented the results of the parliamentary inspection regarding the incomes of the TV company managers.. The specified amounts refer only to 2023 and cause great emotions. The record earnings of Michal Adamczyk, Samuel Pereira and Jaroslaw Olechowski were widely commented on by politicians and journalists from other media.

On Friday, a graphic was posted on Law & Justice social media with the caption, “This is how TVP's fat cats made money during PO.” We can see there, among others: Tomasz Lis, Maciej Orłoś and Piotr Kraśko with significant sums allocated to them and the periods when they should have received them.

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MP Pavel Kukiz made a harsh comment on this issue. The politician published both graphs on Facebook – the income of journalists within PO and PiS.

“Instead of enjoying meeting media-manipulated idiots, they argue at family Christmas tables about who is more” and people like Orlosier or Adamczyk laugh in their faces. and not them) because – quote – “what we did then was a journalist who was honest with the audience” – said the politician.


Revolution on TVP

In recent days, a real revolution has taken place in the public media. Finally, on December 27, the Minister of Culture and National Heritage Bartlomiej Sienkiewicz decided to liquidate them. A week earlier, Minister Sienkiewicz dismissed the presidents of Polish Television, Polish Radio and the Polish Press Agency.

The new management boards of the companies were elected by the new supervisory boards appointed by the minister. Less than an hour after the announcement of the Ministry of Culture, TVP Info and TVP3 stopped broadcasting (instead, TVP1 and TVP2 started broadcasting). A few minutes later, the station's website also disappeared. It caused great emotions in the public space and is still a leading topic in the media.

Today we already know that most of the journalists of Telewizja Polska will no longer appear on TVP. The media reports about it Bringing famous names back to public mediawho bid them farewell in the time of law and justice.

Also read:
The TVP star asked about the profit. He silenced the journalists with his answer
Also read:
Richardson reveals how much he earned at TVP. “PiS gave us a salary increase”

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