Should we think about yesterday's event in which a Russian missile was on Polish territory?

General Roman Polko: Of course, it is worrying if the war is only outside the country and when Russia carries out these types of attacks again. In my opinion, it was a programmed flight of this missile, which was supposed to hit from Poland in the direction of Ukraine and at the same time test the air defense systems of our country. There is a great need to develop a system for responding to this type of provocation in the alliance structures. In short, first of all, the control system, the strengthening of the monitoring and airspace inspection systems, but also the response systems, the delegation of authority to the lowest levels of command, because it is not a command that will make operational decisions.

Modern systems are based on artificial intelligence so that when this type of missile is detected, it is destroyed. The second direction is to talk with the Ukrainian side, probably there will be no objections and an agreement will be reached to be implemented on time. We do not expect such a missile to cross the border of Ukraine, but at a distance of 20-30 kilometers, after detection, we can react on the Ukrainian side as well. We do not expect this missile on NATO territory. We should talk about this issue at the NATO command level and build such security. We often hear that we are dealing with a hybrid war, and when such things happen, we hear that it is good not to seize, because we are dealing with peacetime conditions. These are not conditions of peace when we are constantly dealing with all kinds of provocations.

How do you assess the current situation in Ukraine at the end of the year? On the one hand, we were dealing with stagnation at the front, on the other hand, an important ship of the Black Sea Fleet had just sunk. Can the Ukrainians still surprise the Russians?

This is a certain success, but it is difficult to say that it was significant. Such things were important as symbols at the beginning of the war, now only symbols are not enough. We expected a counter-offensive, but it started too late, with too few resources, and most importantly, NATO assistance was limited to the provision of disposal equipment and weapons. Even munitions are expelled in larger quantities than what was brought to Ukraine, which is incomprehensible in itself. Much greater support should be given to Ukraine. Let's compare the budget that Russia has – it is compared to the United States and the European Union on the world map. Finally, the enforcement power of the arms industry, which exists in Europe and the US, should be activated and really help Ukraine. It's hard to mount an effective attack if you only get a small amount of ammo and supplies, each with a different version. This, of course, contributed to the fact that this attack did not begin when it was the best time, that is, in the spring and summer of this year.

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Jablonski on the missile: I hope for adequate diplomatic actions
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