A musical story about a young gypsy woman, a strong story of an alcoholic against the backdrop of a criminal history, a satire on aristocratic (and not only) Poland, a documentary on local drag queens… a lot of things happened this year in St. The world of the TV series on the Vistula River. Here are the eight best Polish titles of 2023 according to the culture naTemat section. It was really great, new and original.

This is the only one on our list Polish series, which premiered in 2023. These are new releases or new seasons of famous titles.

The order is arbitrary.

1. 1670 (Netflix)

Netflix He released “1670” Just at the end of the year and boom, we have a hit! A comedic satire on the Polish nobility in the style of “The Office” and “The Norwegian”, it could easily have been silly, but it turned out to be a real wonder and a huge hit. Directors Mackay Buchwald and Cordian Kadziela and screenwriter Yakub Rurzala They gave us a dream present for Christmas: a funny Polish comedy, a phenomenon that seemed to be dying.

The irreverent humor, the Sarmatians' screeching, the “painting” and display of Polish history are brilliant. One linersImpressive sets, costumes and cinematography, as well as excellent acting (Bartholomew Topa is… up) and we have the streak we've been waiting for. Historical comedy without pomp, but with sensitivity and tenderness.

2. Emigration XD (CANAL+)

“Emigration XD” There is another great Polish comedy series this year (even last year). Brilliant, not cringe. Production CANAL+ There is a film adaptation of a book that is difficult to translate because “Emigration” by Malcolm XD.who writes in his fun, inimitable style (yes, he's the author of the legendary My Old Man is a Fishing Fanatic).

Fortunately Malcom XD Involved in the creation of the series: joined forces Lukasz Kosmicki (also a director) and turned out to be gold. The film version of the adventures of Malcolm and Stomil in exile in London is both funny and clever. There are accurate social observations, brilliant gags and great dialogue. Other than that, they are great Tomas Vosok and Michal Balitsky. I wish!

3. Patty (player)

“Patti” This is a rare example of a series spin-off in Poland. He speaks Patricia TsichCharismatic audience favorite of Player's hit ““condemned”More precisely, on his life before imprisonment. Because how exactly did he end up in prison? Who was he in “real life”?

It turned out great. In fact, “Patti” is better than the original, thanks to a great script, fast-paced action, touching on important social themes (single mothers, everyday life of the working class, poverty, exclusion of women, emotional problems) and phenomenal Alexandra Adamska in the title role. There are a lot of clichés, but you can safely say: this is how spin-offs are made!

4. Naked. loudly. Proudly (HBO Max)

This time documentary series. And it is unique because “Naked, Loud, Proud” talking about Polish drag queens and burlesque dancers. And this never happened in Poland. document Delphine Dellert and Agnieszka Mazanec There is a sensitive, compassionate and honest look not so much at the LGBT+ community, but simply at people: individualists in love with theater and life, living in harmony with themselves. In my own way and beautifully, but sometimes with fear.

in production HBO Max There is no shortage of political threads, but they are dealt with effectively and sensitively. After all, it's about trans, arab, bi, gay and feminist people in our Polish society, and as one character says “barely. loudly. proudly,” “the fact that I'm here is already political. Act.”

5. Absolute Newbies (Netflix)

“Absolute Debutantes” (Address: Camila Taraburi and Katažina VaržečaScript: Tarabura, Nina Lewandowska and Jedrzej Napechyk) They've been a bit overlooked, which is a shame, because they're an example of how to make something good, fresh young teenager. Unfortunately, it is still rare in Poland. This story of a 19-year-old's recent uninhibited vacation proves there's still something new to be said about growing up.

There is no pomp, cliches or cringe, but there is emotion, feeling, variety and sensitivity. Everything was done with tenderness and sensitivity and at the same time with a claw. This Netflix series with a great young cast – Martina Bychkovska (star “1670”), Bartholomew Dekleva and Jan Salasinski – This is truly world-class. Plus great photos.

6. Office PL, third season (CANAL+)

The third season of “The Office PL”. Proving that the formula for the series is not yet exhausted, in fact it is evolving. He has already silenced the few haters who are still protesting the Polish version of the cult “Office” with Steve Carell. And if they complain, it's too bad “Office PL” It's phenomenal. Kudos to the creators for consciously moving away from the original and adapting it to a TV series CANAL+ Original, unique atmosphere.

“Office PL” in its third season still knows no sanctity, takes no prisoners and is pulling pins right, left and everyone. New episodes are (again) the show's favorite with viewers Adam Voronovich and Piotr Polakwhich really shines this season.

7. Infamy (Netflix)

“shame” It caused a sensation in Poland. And not only in Poland, because the Polish series has not been so successful in the world for a long time. Production Anna Malisevska and Cuba is waiting Daily is recommended “The New York Times”, compared it to the Netflix hit “Unorthodox” about an Orthodox Jewish community. Here we have a traditional Roma community, but – just like in the American hit – a clash of young and old, new and tradition, individuality and community. Universal themes, but presented in “Infamy” in a new and cheerful way.

despite some Roma They say that “infamy” has almost nothing to do with their daily life, this story about a Roma teenager who dreams of a hip-hop career, is undoubtedly important in its representation of the Polish Roma. After all, this is Vistula's first series about this ethnic minority.

But reality aside, Infamy is a great series. direct vision. It amazes with its originality, “fits” the audience with energy, colors, music, vitality, rhythm, fast editing. This is a series torpedo with a great, charismatic character Zofia JastrzebskaThis year's acting announcement.

8. Feedback (Netflix)

Netflix No prisoners were taken this year: “1670”, “Infamy”, “Absolute Debutantes” and finally. “Feedback” – Not only one of the best Polish TV series of the year, but of recent years. TV series Leshek David (wrote the script Kakper Vysotsky According to the bestselling book Jakub Zhulchik) turned out to be practically as emotional fluff as the novel, and in the case of the film adaptation, this is not at all obvious

“Feedback” is supposed to be a crime series, but it's actually a series about something else entirely: alcoholismCancer that affects Polish society, a disease that destroys individuals and entire families.

The crime story takes a back seat here (though there are plenty of plot twists, mysteries and tension) and the main focus is the nightmare of aging rocker Michal Kania and his family – because it can't be called drinking. And mostly grown son Piotrek, whose disappearance starts the whole story. This is a powerful, important thing with genius Arkadiusz Jakubik and big Jakub Sierenberg. Mandatory session.

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