According to the Vatican news agency Fides, they included one bishop, eight priests, two monks, one seminarian, one novice and seven lay missionaries.

Death of Missionaries

According to the continental division, this year the highest number was recorded in Africa, where 9 missionaries died: 5 priests, 2 monks, 1 seminarian, 1 novice. 6 missionaries were killed in South and North America: 1 bishop, 3 priests, 2 laymen. 4 writers died in Asia. In Europe, Spanish shoemaker Diego Valencia was killed with a machete by a young Moroccan. A priest and three other worshipers were also injured, some seriously, in what appeared to be a religiously motivated attack in the southern Spanish port city of Algeciras.

According to Fides, a total of 1,168 priests, religious, laity and bishops have been killed since 1990, including 248 missionaries killed in the 1994 Rwandan genocide. In the last decade, about 25 missionaries have been killed each year.

As in previous years, Fidesz uses the term “missionary” to refer to all the baptized and recognizes that “by virtue of the baptism received, every member of God's people has become a missionary disciple.”

Violence against Christians is increasing

how will remind According to the interfaith aid agency Open Doors, one in seven Christians worldwide are persecuted, and harassment and often open violence is currently on the rise.

In 50 countries, the international agency's current World Persecution Index lists more than 360 million Christians who are subject to high or extremely high levels of persecution and discrimination.

As a result of the violence, more and more Christians live in isolation, uncertainty and fear of attack. The spiral of violence also has implications for entire communities and future generations, warned the aid agency, which has been working since 1955.

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(tags translate)Vatican

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