First, some good news. The new government decided to extend the energy price freeze. The act adopted by the Seimas provides for: Extension of maximum electricity prices for households at PLN 412 per MWh net until mid-2024. (to the current level of the consumption limit, reduced by 50% as the regulations apply for half a year).

This will be 1,500 kWh for families, 1,800 kWh for people with disabilities and 2,000 kWh for farmers and families with a large family card. Above the limit, the maximum price should be maintained at PLN 693/MWh.

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See also: TVP stars in millions, teachers can't wait for pay rise. “Simple Propaganda”

Electricity prices in 2024

According to experts This will save the average family up to 800 PLN in total. However, this will cost the state budget PLN 16.5 billion.

We also already know what energy prices will be, as in mid-December the Energy Regulatory Office approved the tariffs that energy suppliers must use. The most popular G11 tariff in Poland will be reduced by about 30%.. – from PLN 1077 to PLN 740 per megawatt hour. It doesn't seem like it will lower energy prices.

The rates approved for 2024 are lower than those for 2023, but this does not mean a reduction in taxes for recipients subject to the price freeze.including tariffs”, explained the President of the Energy Regulatory Service. Frozen rates are lower. In addition, the distribution fee is part of the electricity bill. And it will increase by several tens of gros for every kilowatt. hour.

Freezing of prices in the second half of the year is not so certain. The lifting of the price freeze may lead to a significant price increase of up to several tens of percent. how much exactly It is difficult to predict today. Rafal Gavin, head of the Energy Regulatory Office, calculated that not making such a decision would be costly even before the act to freeze electricity prices for the first half of 2024. If not for the new government's move, taxes could have increased by 60-70%.

Rising energy prices affect other products very quickly. According to mBank analysts, if protective decisions were not in force next year, Inflation will immediately increase by two percentage points.

Food prices have risen again

Price increases cannot be avoided, although they will not be as strong as last year. – In 2024, the dynamics of price growth will be 6.1%. compared to 15.3 percent this year. This is a clear decrease, but still a fairly high growth rate – emphasizes Dr. Jakub Olipra, analyst from Credit Agricole in an interview with

prices Bread will increase moderately, by about 8 percent, meat – by 7 percent, fruit – by 10 percent, and vegetables and dairy products – by 5 percent. However, oils and fats are getting cheaper. The price of vegetable oil in the global market is falling – CA expert calculates.

There are few products that will go up or down in price. These are just a few examples Rapeseed oil and butter. It should also be cheaper – by about 20%. – Sugar. However, this is poor consolation for the consumer as the price of this product has increased by around 80% this year.

Michał Stajniak, deputy director of the analysis department and commodity market analyst at XTB, discourages hopes of a significant price drop – if the price of sugar now often exceeds PLN 7 per kilogram, we cannot count on a price drop to around PLN 3. , which we observed in 2021 – the expert writes in his analysis.

More expensive fuel. The new government decided

Poles are also expecting an increase in prices at gas stations. There are two reasons. First one Fuel tax will increase in 2024. According to an announcement in Monitor Polski, it will be PLN 195.74 per 1,000 liters of gasoline, up from PLN 172.91 this year.

The diesel oil fee will be PLN 422.13 per 1,000 liters of diesel oil, compared to PLN 372.90 this year.

Fuel tax is one of the components of petrol and diesel prices at stations. According to Reflex calculations, the fuel surcharge is currently 3%. Petrol price 95 and 6 percent per liter diesel prices. In the first case, it is on average 0.17 PLN per liter of Pb95, in the second – 0.37 PLN per liter of diesel oil. After the decision to increase the fuel tax, prices at gas stations may increase by several cents per liter. The amounts are relatively low, but we must remember that Poles spend PLN 194 billion on fuel every year.

The second reason was named by Dr. Blazej Podgorski, an economist from Kozminsk University, in the “Newsroom” program of Wirtualna Polska. – After the new year, we can expect a slight weakening of the zloty, which will eventually lead to an increase in the price of fuel – says the economist.

ZUS contributions and minimum wage. Higher costs for entrepreneurs

Poles may also feel the increase in fees for entrepreneurs in their wallets. The pension contribution will increase by 19.52%, the disability pension contribution by 8%. All this because the basis for calculating social security contributions in 2024 for entrepreneurs who are not subject to discounts is 60%. Estimated average monthly salary, i.e. not less than 4694.40 PLN.

ZUS contributions will increase by “leaps and bounds” in 2024 due to the increase in average wages predicted by the Ministry of Finance in 2024. These are contributions paid by approximately 2 million entrepreneurs in our country.

“Fakt” calculations show that all mandatory ZUS contributions will increase from PLN 1,732.58 to PLN 1,976.68..

  • The pension contribution will be PLN 912.83,
  • Disability pension – PLN 374.11,
  • Sick leave – PLN 114.57,
  • accident – PLN 78.10,
  • for labor fund and solidarity fund – PLN 114.94,
  • Health – PLN 382.50.

There will also be costs for entrepreneurs higher minimum wage. From January 1, it will be PLN 4,242, and from July 1, PLN 4,300 in total. This means a total increase in costs for the employer of approximately PLN 850 gross per month. – Unfortunately, the high growth rate of the minimum wage in 2024, or about 18%, will affect wage growth throughout the economy. We should also take into account the very unfavorable phenomenon of the expansion of the gray zone – says Prof. Jacek Męcina, Advisor to the Management Board Confederation Leviathan.

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