– Today I have three questions for you: do you want 2024 to be the year of salary increase? Did you vote for this? And do you remember Donald Tusk's words: “If I were prime minister, the first thing I would do is cut prices in Poland?” Morawiecki asks in the published note.

The former prime minister adds that “the new government is already causing problems for Polish families as a result of their incompetence, and they have only been in power for three weeks.”

– Polish wallets will soon be hit by rising petrol prices, ZUS hikes, gas power hikes and credit holidays just to name a few. In addition, there is an uncertain situation of zero VAT on food – he notes one by one.


– They promised golden mountains. What do they give in return? Some tales of the supposed restoration of the rule of law. At the same time, they increase the living costs of Polish families and increase the budget deficit by 20 billion PLN, he adds.

The former prime minister then says that Donald Tusk's government He credits himself with the achievements of the United Right such as 800 plus or paying the first funds from KPO, but it is not known whether Poland will be able to do something on its own.

Latest survey results

A new study by United Surveys shows that PiS is losing support, although it is still in first place. Civil coalition also reports about the decrease.

Currently, 33 percent want to vote for law and justice. respondents. This is 2.2 points less. percent than in the previous United Surveys study. Civil coalition received 28.4 percent. (a decrease of 0.4 percentage points). Trzecia Droga recorded a result of 19.1%. This is an increase of 3.1 points. percentage compared to the previous study.

The other two parties recorded results below 10%. It is the left wing for which 8.7 percent expressed their desire to vote. Respondents (decrease of 1.3 percentage points) and Konfederacja, which received a result of 7.7%. (without changes). 0.8% want to vote for other parties. respondents. 2.3 percent of the respondents do not know who they would vote for.

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