The way the new government is making changes in public media is stirring emotions not only in Poland, but also abroad. This time journalist Thomas Schmid spoke about the mentioned issue. In his text published on the website of Die Welt on Saturday, he warns Tusk against excessive arrogance and disregard for law and justice for voters.

A lesson for Tusk

Schmid said Tusk “will take decisive action” on public media, which is “understandable”. However, he notes that the tactics of sudden changes, which do not take into account the legal order, are risky. A journalist warns Poland's prime minister of a “serious mistake” that would be mocking and mocking “conservative or rural views” represented by law and justice voters.

“It is easier to damage a house than to repair it. Poland should go through this experience,” the commentator wrote. In his opinion, Tusk cannot conduct his domestic politics as he did during his first premiership. Then, as Schmid points out, the PO leader failed to notice the problems of ordinary people who were not the beneficiaries of the 1989 political changes. The Sova and Friends restaurant recordings that brought down the PO-PSL government showed people what people in power really think of ordinary citizens. If Tusk wants to govern Poland effectively, he must avoid such an attitude.

“Public media reform will be successful only if its goal is more than just a triumph over PiS. A balanced TV program cannot criticize or ridicule PiS. He must show that there is also a place for pluralism in the country. The sensitivity of the PiS electorate,” he notes. Die Welt journalist.

“The mass protests against the new government that PiS wanted to provoke did not materialize. Most of the public is watching the events with cautious interest,” he added.

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