In October, Jens Stoltenberg will start working as the head of the Norwegian Central Bank.

“One of the biggest mysteries will be solved in Brussels in 2024: who will replace Jens Stoltenberg as the head of NATO,” writes Deutsche Welle.

Who is the new head of NATO? “name swap”

Many potential candidates for the position of Secretary General of the North Atlantic Alliance have appeared in the “name exchange” for a long time. Among them: former Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, former British Defense Secretary Ben Wallace, Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez and Estonian Prime Minister Kaia Kalas.

According to media reports, the Prime Minister of the Netherlands has resigned Mark Rutte has the best chance to take the position of Secretary General of NATO. He can count on the support of Berlin, Paris and London. The Dutch politician also enjoys the support of current US President Joe Biden and former US President Donald Trump. “Mark Rutte is the front-runner to head NATO. So far, governments have been officially silent on the Dutchman's candidacy, but three senior European officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, said he would garner broad support,” Politico reported. .

Despite the apparent consensus around Mark Rutte, the Dutchman may face defeat in Europe thanks to Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, with whom he has clashed in the past over EU issues, and who appears to have already announced his opposition to his nomination. “Deutsche Welle” writes.

Before Jens Stoltenberg, the position of Secretary General of the North Atlantic Alliance was held by politicians who previously worked in the governments of the member countries of the alliance. The last of them was the former Prime Minister of Denmark Anders Fogh Rasmussen (2009-2014). Mark Rutte will be the fourth Dutchman to hold the post of NATO Secretary General.

Also read:
Russian missile over Poland. “Why does NATO remain so quiet?”

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