most likely Two people died during the earthquake, which hit a large area on the coast of the Sea of ​​Japan. Six more people were buried. They are being removed under demolition.

The Japan Emergency Management Agency recommends More than 51,000 residents of five prefectures were evacuated. More than a thousand people were evacuated from the air defense base in Wajima.

level The tsunami warning has been reduced. This means that any wave should not exceed 3 meters. However, local authorities urged residents to refrain from returning home.

The government spokesman explained that the tsunami waves may return and In previous disasters, people who returned after the first wave often died To get the things you need at home.

The most difficult situation was in the city of Wajima, where there were significant cracks in the ground, people were trapped under the rubble of collapsed buildings and under fire.

These were the strongest tremors recorded in the region

Evacuate immediately. Waves may hit more than once,” public broadcaster NHK said in a statement to citizens.

The warning covers the entire northern coast of Japan, but is expected to be the most severe in the central part of the country. Ishikawa prefecture area. An alert was also issued in Niigata and Toyama prefectures in central Honshu.

look: China. A tragic earthquake. More than a hundred died

In a series of messages, the Japanese received instructions to move to higher, safer places. Air and rail traffic in the region has been suspended. More than 30 thousand families remain without electricity. Telecom operators Softbank and KDDI reported disruptions to phone and internet services.

The Japan Meteorological Agency reported the earthquake on Monday was the largest recorded in the Noto Peninsula region at Ishikawa since 1885

Earthquake in Japan. The tsunami is approaching

They hit the west coast along the Sea of ​​Japan meter wavesBut the next one must be bigger and bigger and may even reach it five meters.

Further shocks are possible. Government spokesman Hayashi Yoshimasa told a news conference that authorities were still assessing the extent of the damage and warned residents to prepare for possible aftershocks.

Nuclear power plants operate without interruption – assured Hayashi.

“Photos broadcast by NHK showed buildings collapsing in Ishikawa and Toyama,” Reuters reported. Tremors were felt in Tokyo on the opposite coast.

This was reported by the South Korean Meteorological Agency A tsunami wave of 45 cm height reached the east coast Mukho in South Korea, Gangwon Province.

According to information agency TASS, Russian cities in the Asian part of the country may be at risk. The authorities of Nakhodka and Vladivostok in the Far East have issued a tsunami warning. Big waves also threaten Sakhalin Island.

The previous tsunami killed thousands of people

A strong earthquake and tsunami occurred in northeastern Japan March 11, 2011.

look: Japan. A 7.3-magnitude earthquake hit Fukushima and Miyagi prefectures.

Almost 20,000 people died then. people. The element also caused the meltdown of nuclear reactors at the Fukushima power plant.

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