The last episode of the TVN24 program “Black and White” was dedicated to the former Minister of Justice Zbigniew Ziobro. The authors of the materials make serious accusations against the politician.

“Through the institutions subordinate to him, on the one hand, he persecuted political opponents, and on the other hand, he provided a protective umbrella for the so-called United right-wing politicians. Now you yourself have become the accused?” – we read in the description of the episode.

Shidlo defends Ziobro

Former Prime Minister Beata Szydlo commented on the theses in the TV program. The politician did not leave the journalists of the TV company unturned and stated that “TVN24 attacks Zbigniew Ziobro in such a disgusting manner that it is difficult to comment on it”.

“But we cannot silently change what the TVN24 staff did. They not only spread insinuations against Zbigniew Ziobro, but also his opponents – now we see how small they are – to criticize the man's last parliamentary speech. He already knew then that he is very seriously ill with cancer,” reads the letter of the European Parliament.

Szydlo believes that the TVN24 material was released by accident, at a time when the leader of sovereign Poland is struggling with serious health problems. Moreover, the report was written at a time when “the Tusk government is openly violating the Polish constitutional order.”

“The current Minister of Justice, Adam Bodnar, said directly yesterday that he is 'looking for a legal basis' to justify what his colleagues are doing. TVN24 is not interested in this – they would rather attack the seriously ill former minister without reason.” The former prime minister emphasized.

Ziobro's disease

“In response to many questions, I inform you that… Temporary absence due to health reasonsIn the near future, the work of the party will be managed by the presidium, which is chaired by Patrick Jak instead of Zbigniew Ziobro,” the authorities of sovereign Poland announced recently.

Also read:
Shidlo Shcherba: You can shout and slander
Also read:
Szydło on duty at PAP. He asks Tusk about “powerful people”

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