Donald Tusk's government announces the depoliticization of state companies. The first “leaders” in the supervisory and management boards have already left. How deep will this process go? – Complete depoliticization of the economy is impossible, especially in Europe, it is unrealistic. We have a very big influence of politics on the economy. There are too many unilateral decisions by politicians and too few experts, said Dr. Blazej Podgorski, an economist at Kozminski University, in a Wirtualna Polska Newsroom program. He emphasizes that “state-owned” companies are not fundamentally evil, and moreover, they have their justification. – It is a standard in the world that strategic sectors, energy and media are in the hands of the state, and the state treasury has shares there, and thanks to this, these companies function effectively and ensure the security of the state. During the pandemic, we saw that they tried to help the state achieve its goals – the economist added. According to him, the solution may be to restore competition for key positions…


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