Finance Minister Andrzej Domanski reacts to the devaluation of the Polish zloty at Google.

On Monday, January 1st, currency indexes on the Google search engine indicated a sudden decrease in the value of the Polish zloty. Minister of Finance Andrzej Domanski reassures that these data are not true. The real value of the Polish currency should be visible, including: on Bloomberg.

checking exchange rates They may experience a surprise in the Google search engine. The conversion rate showed that 1 euro is worth 5.27 PLN, 1 dollar is 4.85 PLN, and 1 British pound is worth 6.18 PLN.

This is A sudden drop in the value of the Polish zloty, which according to the charts was recorded after 15:00. The change was quickly noticed by Internet users.

Low Polish Zloty exchange rate. This is the result of a Google error

Minister of Finance Andrzej Domanski commented on this issue, explaining that the data Google pulled the data from the wrong source. “Calm down, this zloty exchange rate is causing panic This is fake– he emphasized.

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As he said, “markets in Asia will open soon The situation will return to normal“The politician also showed a screenshot from Bloomberg showing that 1 euro is currently worth 4.34 PLN.

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