You often hear that prevention of health is important and that you should undergo an examination for early detection of possible diseases. “Finally, I'll go to the doctor and get some tests” – this is one of the main New Year's resolutions. However, when you want to try it, it turns out that you don't know how to do it; What examinations are better to conduct and how often to check your health? Now you can use the “cheat sheet” – a research calendar prepared by the National Institutes of Health.

“Prevention is better than cure” and “early detected disease is more effectively treated” – these slogans are probably known by everyone, but few people put them into practice and regularly conduct preventive tests.

The most common excuses are: “Because I don't have time”, “I feel fine, nothing is wrong with me”, “It's not for me”, but there are also those who say “I'd rather not know that I” am sick”.

We usually remember about preventive tests at the beginning of the year, and testing is included in the list of New Year's resolutions, healthy diet and exercise registration. Sometimes we remember that we have not done tests for several years when we hear about a loved one or a friend's serious illness.

The calendar will tell you the truth

If you've ever thought about going for preventive tests, you often find that you don't really know what tests to get, not because of age or family burden, but how often they should be repeated. We randomly carry out some tests during local prevention campaigns.

But there was no clear information: “What, where and when?”.

Eventually he rose to the challenge National Health Foundation And prepared a kind of cheat sheet from which everyone can find out which preventive tests should be done according to gender and age.

As we have a vaccination calendar that tells us at which stages of life which vaccinations are mandatory and which are recommended, now Research calendar There will be an indication of when and what diagnostics to undergo.

Prevention at all ages

Prevention – as the National Health Foundation recalls – is the most effective method of health care. Examinations provide a chance for early detection and cure of many diseases.

In short, it is worth doing it at least once a year Morphology, Urine test, Cholesterol and glucose level in the blood You should also remember about this pressure control arterial blood.

practical Research calendar Makes it easy to find preventive program and indicates which institutions implement it. All you need to do is select data such as: gender and ageAnd the calendar will generate a list of tests and recommendations tailored to you.

It will also remind you It is recommended Vaccinations, because they affect not only children, but sometimes especially the elderly. Likewise, you can easily check recommendations for your loved ones. It doesn't get any simpler than that. But will it help Poles to start testing more often and also think about prevention?

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