Someone absolutely special has died. In our increasingly dirty reality, in his consistent search for truth, regardless of all circumstances, he showed incredible determination and courage. He revealed himself to all the powerful people of this world. A friend and protector of the abused, exploited and rejected, a teacher of the disabled, a Pole and an Armenian in one person and as such a defender of the memory of the victims of the genocide – Armenians and Poles – an active anti-communist. People's Republic of Poland. On January 9, at the age of 67, Fr. Tadeusz Isakovic-Zaleski.

This extraordinary man and priest could have lived a completely different life, but then he would be separated from… yes, the truth. “Can evangelists falsify the truth?” – he asked rhetorically. – But, of course, they could not write about Judas, the rejection of St. Peter, the unbelieving Thomas – they could have left it all out or retouched it. Two thousand years later. No one could test them. But they were there. The faithful one and the other clearly perceived the difference between the fall of Judas and the fall of Peter. History is a teacher of life, so I will only say this. The spiritual fathers of a certain seminary informed me that if it weren't for the campaign against my book (“Priests Against the Security Services”), I would introduce it to the seminarians' reading material because it shows the dangers and teaches them. To make the right choice, it doesn't matter that today there is no security service, young seminarians and then priests have other serious problems that they have to deal with.

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