On Wednesday, the Warsaw-Wola District Court found the famous film and television actor Antoni K., who is accused of driving under the influence of marijuana, guilty. The court sentenced him to a one-year restriction of freedom, 20 hours of community service per month, and a 3-year driving ban. This decision is not yet final.

Antony K., convicted of driving under the influence of marijuana

At Wednesday's hearing Anthony K He submitted an explanation to the court, claiming that the reason for the arrest was an anonymous complaint and not inappropriate behavior on the road.

“The reporter knew that I was taking medical marijuana and He used this fact to accuse me of driving under the influence of drugs (…) It was a dishonest act,” he said in the courtroom.

He also emphasized that the content Medical Marijuana Remains in the body after prolonged use.

They publicly lynched me and put me on an equal footing with drunk drivers and those under the influence of drugs”, said the actor in court. He also noted that he uses marijuana medicinally and that his arrest was “on a false charge of driving under the influence of a drug he does not use.”

He assured me that he would never drive less than 8 hours after taking medical marijuana.

“Medical marijuana support has improved my quality of life. Since I started treatment, I have not had a single relapse,” Anthony K. said when asked by the court if he had been prescribed medical marijuana. By the doctors, he admitted that it was his “personal initiative”.

At the session held on Wednesday, the court heard the testimony of the experts who maintained the previous position on the case, and then the parties presented their closing statements.

Prosecutor Anna Pardo requested during her speech Penalty of restriction of freedom for one year with 20 hours of community service per monthmanager Prohibition of driving a vehicle for three yearsAlso payment PLN 7,000 for social purposes.

He emphasized that the evidence collected during the proceedings leaves no doubt and focuses on the clear opinions of experts.

It cannot be said that the accused did not know (…) we are dealing with exceeding the threshold dose (…) this value is significantly exaggerated”, the prosecutor noted.

Also read: Child support, marijuana possession, and now this. Will the actor appear in court again?

However, Antony K.'s lawyer pointed out that, among other things, securing key evidence, such as the tape of the police intervention by his client, made it impossible for the court to independently verify these circumstances.

“The only source we have is the knowledge of experts who were not surprised that marijuana works for several hours,” said lawyer Stelios Alevras during his closing remarks. He demanded an excuse.

“Life and personal matters do not influence one to commit a prohibited act”

After a break, the verdict was announced. Warsaw-Wola district court Antony K. found guilty, he was sentenced to a one-year restriction of freedom with 20 hours of community service per month and a three-year ban on driving a vehicle. In addition, the court ordered Antony K. to pay PLN 7,000 to the victims' assistance fund and post-penalty support and to cover the costs of the trial.

“The defendant did not deny that he smoked marijuana,” the judge said. He emphasized that it was irrelevant to the court that proceedings had been initiated as a result of the report. “Life and personal matters do not affect someone who has committed a prohibited act“- said the judge. The verdict is void.

“The toxicological report obtained during the preliminary case review by the prosecutor's office clearly confirms that the accused was under the influence of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol while driving, which can be compared to the state of intoxication caused by alcohol. Consumption”, the Warsaw District Prosecutor's Office explained to PAP. Anthony K. The police arrested him On February 18, in Wola district of Warsaw, 16 ul. Kolejova.

Also read: https://natemat.pl/535433,kolejne-problemy-krolikowskiego-akt-oskarzenia-o-powiedzenie-mieni

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