An aggressive man attacked with a knife in Czestochowa meat factory.

An attack by a man armed with a knife took place on Wednesday morning in Czestochowa. “Two people were stabbed,” said Sabina Chira-Giresh, a press officer at the Katowice police headquarters. – The attacker did not respond to the police commands, so the officers were forced to use their weapons – he added. Two injured and the aggressor were taken to the hospital.

There was an attack by an aggressive man with a knife in Czestochowa meat plants.

– Around 9:00 a.m. we received a report about an employee of a company located on Wyszyńskiego street – the commissioner told Sabina Chira-Giresh, press officer of the provincial police headquarters in Katowice.

– According to the report, One of the men attacked two other employees with a knife – he added.

Czestochowa. A man stabbed two people with a knife. The police had to use guns

When the involved police officers arrived at the scene, the assailant started towards them.

– Man He did not respond to officers' commands to drop the weapon – said the commissar. He added that uniformed officers were forced to use their weapons.

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– to stop a knife attack, One of the police officers used a service weapon and wounded him in the thigh – said the press spokesman.

The attacker and two people injured by him He was taken to the hospital. Police officers are working on the spot. which determine the course and circumstances of this event.

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