He is 31 years old and has decided to give away most of the 25 million euros he inherited. For this, Marlene Engelhorn is looking for 50 selected people to decide what to spend their money on. The experiment has a catch. Money should be spent on solutions that will help society as a whole.

Marlene Engelhorn lives in Vienna and is Descendant of Friedrich EngelhornThe founder of Germany Chemical and pharmaceutical company BASF. Whenever In 2022, grandmother Traudli died, the woman inherited millions.

Traudl-Vecciato's fortune was estimated at 3.8 billion euros, but before his death Marlene said she plans to donate about 90 percent. his share of the estate.

– I inherited property and therefore power without doing anything – he said, quoted by the BBC.

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The millionaire did not even pay inheritance tax because Austria abolished it in 2008. Now Engelhorn said he would find 50 people who will help him decide how to use most of the €25 million.

– If the politicians don't do their job and don't distribute, then I have to redistribute my wealth myself – explained the millionaire.

A millionaire wants to give away his wealth. He is looking for people to help him

Mail started arriving in the mailboxes of 10,000 randomly selected Austrians on Wednesday. Invitations to participate in the Good Redistribution Council. 50 people and 16 reserves will be selected from the applicants.

The initiative is supported by the Foresigh Institute. The organizers want people from different age groups, social classes and backgrounds to form the group.

The lucky winners will participate in a series of meetings in Salzburg. Experts from various fields and non-governmental organizations will participate. Millionaire will cover the participants' travel expenses and will pay €1,200 for each weekend they participate.

Austria. He will spend millions on ideas that serve society

The job of a “good distribution board” would be to suggest what to spend most of the heir's money on. However, the ideas aim to develop solutions that will help the whole community.

– I return it My property is at the disposal of these 50 people And I have their trust, Engelhorn said. If They cannot make a decision Based on “broad support”, then The money will be returned to the millionaire.

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