Interesting information was published by Onet portal on Thursday. The editorial team sent questions about this to the press spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Pavel Vronsky. Visa scandal. The next day, Vronsky (until recently a journalist for “Gazeta Wyborcza”) wanted to send his employees instructions to which they had to respond.

The point is that the spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, instead of pressing “forward”, pressed “reply” and sent the guidelines not to the officials, but to the editors of “Oneti”. “From the correspondence, it appears that the speaker is instructing us on how to provide selective responses,” the editorial team wrote.

The mistake of Pavel Vronsky, the spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Onet writes that indeed, among the questions he sent to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is one that could pose a political threat to both PO and PiS.

The content of the question is as follows: “Does the Ministry of Foreign Affairs share the assessment of the Onet editorial team that the main reason for the visa scandal was a leak in the visa system that made it possible to hack it, which happened. Both during the rule of the PO-PSL coalition and during the rule of PiS?”

The editors say that the instructions received in the journalist's mailbox clearly indicate that the above-mentioned question will remain without a real answer.

“We got used to this model of communication between the authorities and journalists during the PiS government, but it was expected that things would be different now,” Onetti emphasizes. “The spokesperson also recommends that you actually ignore Onet's questions,” the website reads.

The issue of dismissal of Osageda

Questions are also being raised about the reasons for the dismissal from the ministry, already under the leadership of the previous team, the former director of the Office of Legal and Compliance Management, Jakub Osajda.

“The documents we obtained do not indicate what he was responsible for. This is interesting in a situation where the officials of the consular department, who are much more involved in the case, have not brought any results. Therefore, it is not known whether or not. Osage was the scapegoat,” we read.

Onet notes that at the current stage of the research, this would only be a hypothesis. And in this context, he quotes Vronsky's instructions to his subordinates:

“If the decision to release Mr. Osajda signed by Rau was a decision without giving a reason, we are writing about it. If there is any other information, we refer to the GDPR and wait for the power of attorney under which Mr. Juras represents. Mr. Osajda's interests”.

Onet: That should be awesome

“The last sentence, especially when it comes from the pen of a long-time journalist, should be surprising,” notes Onet.

“When conducting investigative journalism, Onet's editorial team always represents the public interest only. It is in the public interest to explain both the latest version of the visa scandal and the years-old version that we described in Oneti, and both should be included. “Despite the threat of a political nature,” the editorial team emphasizes.

Leaky visa system – the answer

The full text of the questions asked to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the answers provided were published on Onet's website.

In the excerpt about the leak of the visa system: “As a state institution subject to investigation by many bodies, including the Investigative Committee of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland, we cannot comment on the assessment of the event in question, but we present the facts.” Documents, evidence, therefore, we cannot determine whether the system was leaked and to what extent the main cause of the visa scandal was due to the “Visa Scandal”, we as a government institution are not authorized to point out the responsible persons.

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