as a gesture of resistance

against the coup


by Gestapo

with intention

Liquidation of Poland

— December 31, 2023

from 23:45 to 00:15

– We turn off all the lights

And we keep it

complete silence.

To remember the darkness

black forms Gestapo.

To remember the darkness

dark intentions Gestapo Liquidation of Poland.

Let silence remind you The secret methods of the putschists Gestapo.

Let silence remind you The myth of the silent majority.

December 31, 2023 – We Poles have a unique opportunity Strength counts.

We have a chance to find out Who will stand on which side of the barricade?.

We can use this 30 minutes to pray silently for the Polish nation

and for the restoration of independence.

* * *

The putschists who called themselves group “log in,

They deny their obvious personal connections

or with the German intelligence service BND


or with the Russian FSB intelligence service

Federal Service of the Russian Federation of Injuries.

Below is a link to the explanation BND And its origin – in the chapter:

Establishment of the Bundesnachrichtendienst” – contains, among others,

CIA report on negotiations to create BND“.


* * *

Gestapo – This is abstractwhich refers to the layer of facts corresponding to the theoretical

layer The doctrine of German rule in the worldis defined to disclose,

Provided by Olaf Scholz as a brat His government's promise.

Immediately, and in addition, Olaf Scholz went from promise to action.

February 24, 2022 – ordered the Muscovites to begin Blitzkrieg in Ukraine.

On October 7, 2023, Hamas ordered Blitzkrieg to Israel.

in parallel Blitzkrieg – of hybrid nature – is implemented

since 1990 Against the countries of the EEC – now the European Union.

These are just the most recent examples Continuation of World War II

– a world phenomenon A taboo subject – in other words

topic politically incorrect.

Second World Warstarted on September 1, 1939, continues today

In the whole world – Also thanks to the Federal Republic of Germany –

But no one in the world dares to even whisper about it.

Soon after the introduction of martial law in 1981, Yaruzelski received a warm welcome.

Not only Erich Honecker, but Helmut Schmidt and Francois Mitterrand.

This is true both in the German states and in the Polish People's Republic of Jaruzelski

— Arafat's terrorists were secretly trained to kill Israel.

However, it was the April 2008 NATO summit in Bucharest that began

Full of consequences The American part of politicsoverload“With Putin.

It was then that Chancellor Merkel imposed her diktat in Bucharest:

Veto! No! Moldova will not join NATO!

Veto! No! Ukraine will not join NATO!

Veto! No! Georgia will not join NATO!

This is America's decision Recognition of the veto of the Federal Republic of Germanyliterally

Genocide in Georgia and Ukraine followed.

And yet in 2003, Neither Bundeswehr nor French troops – even by

one day did not support the US In the war against Putin the beast that he was

Saddam Hussein.

President George Bush responded to this doctrinedeclare that from now on,

To protect its interests, the US will try to build every time

A coalition of the willing (“A coalition of the will“) – to achieve immediate goals,

Without paying special attention to their own people NATO allies.

After all, President George W. Bush He was warned about being aggressive

Putin's plans – by American left-wing politicians,

Also conservative – Back in 2007.

Ova Political incorrectnessor even taboofollows directly

From the complete failure of the American denazification policy

Allied occupation zones after 1945.

Ova Political incorrectnessor even taboowill follow directly

Due to the complete absence of Soviet political will for denazification

Soviet occupation zone after 1945.

Forward to whoever you can

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