The US president spoke at Mother Emmanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina. This is the temple where a racial massacre took place in June 2015. Dylann Roof, then 21, opened fire on a black congregation, killing nine.

During his speech, Biden focused on condemning racism in the US and the so-called white supremacy. He assured that this poison has no place in modern America.

Charleston. The US President's speech was interrupted

At one point the speech was interrupted by a group of people who wanted to show solidarity with the Palestinians who had been expelled and killed. Israeli troops in the Gaza Strip.

– If you are really interested in the loss of life, you should respect the lost life and call for a ceasefire in Palestine – shouted one of the people in the temple to the politician.

A few minutes later, the group started chanting “cease fire now”. Biden tried to calm down the demonstrators, but to no avail. The confusion ended with the president's security escorting them out of the church.

– I understand their passion. But I am quietly working with the Israeli government to convince them to scale back and significantly withdraw from Gaza, Biden said of Israeli military action.


Biden's article on Palestine

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is currently one of the leading political issues in the United States.

Let's remember that in this article In a recent Washington Post op-ed titled “US Will Not Back Down From Putin, Hamas Challenge,” the US president wrote that a two-state solution is the only way to ensure the long-term security of both Israels. and the Palestinian people.

In the article, Biden expressed his standard opinion His administration's support for Israel. “We stand firmly with the people of Israel as they defend themselves against the murderous nihilism of Hamas,” he wrote.

Biden emphasized that the United States will not give in to the actions of Putin and Hamas. “Both Putin and Hamas are fighting to remove the neighboring democracy from the map. Both Putin and Hamas hope to undermine broader regional stability and integration and exploit the resulting chaos. America cannot and will not allow this to happen. For our national security interests. and for the benefit of the whole world,” the Democrat wrote.

Also read:
What about Gaza after the war? There is a message from Israel
Also read:
UN agency: 1.9 million people are displaced in the Gaza Strip

(tags translated)Biden's speech

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