“On January 10, 2024, Prime Minister Donald Tusk dismissed Konrad Vnek as director of the Jan Karski War Loss Institute. The War Loss Institute is a budget unit subordinate to the Prime Minister. The institute was founded in 2021. It concerns scientific research and development in the social sciences and humanities in the field of war losses of the Polish state and its citizens during the Second World War,” reads the CIR press release.

At the same time, the Prime Minister dismissed Andrzej Przylenski from the position of the director of De Republica Institute. “The Institute of the Republic is a budgetary unit subordinate to the Prime Minister. It was founded in 2021. The institute carries out publishing, scientific and popularization activities,” CIR said.

“On January 10, 2024, Prime Minister Donald Tusk dismissed Michal Kot from the position of director of the Generation Institute. The Generation Institute is a budget unit subordinate to the Prime Minister. It exists since 2021. The institute prepares studies, opinions and expert conclusions in the field of demography,” he added.

Tusk's “broom”.

In December, the head of the Prime Minister's Chancellery, Jan Grabiek, said that Prime Minister Donald Tusk had dismissed the members of the councils: the Institute for War Losses, the Institute de Republique, the Institute for Central Europe, the Institute for Generations and the Western Institute – as far as he had the right to do so.

– Such decisions have been made, and this applies not only to the members of the Council of the Institute of War Losses. Jan Karski, but also other institutions created by PiS and whose activities have been heavily criticized in recent years, on the one hand, for financial abuses and, on the other hand, for having both management and supervisory functions in these institutions. Directly from PiS circles or by people closely connected with them, the minister said.

Also read:
Gosiewska: Tusk implicated his coalition partners in crime. They are helpless pawns
Also read:
Macierewicz: Tusk committed the worst crime in Polish history

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