We must respond to the latest attack on Ukraine in a way Putin understands: by tightening sanctions so he can't build new weapons from smuggled components and by giving Kiev long-range missiles that would allow him to destroy launch and command centers. Minister Sikorsky wrote on Platform X. The post was published in English.


Another Russian air attack

This is a reaction to another Russian attack on Ukrainian cities. Russian troops carried out again Bombing the territory of Ukraine on the night of January 1-2. The main target of the massive attack was Kiev. Among others, the following were used: hypersonic daggers.

At the same time, the authorities of the capital of Ukraine confirmed that as a result of the missile attack on Kiev Many residential buildings were damaged and infrastructure facilities. Russian missiles and aircraft also hit other cities in the Kyiv region and Kharkiv.

The Ukrainian Air Force said a Russian Tu-95MS aircraft and 16 strategic bombers were in the airspace. President Volodymyr Zelensky said yesterday that four people were killed and at least 92 injured in the attack.

Sikorsky in Kyiv

The head of Polish diplomacy has his own He visited Kyiv for the first time. At a joint press conference with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Dmytro Kuleba, he stated that Poland stands by Ukraine.

Sikorsky also congratulated Kuleba on the start of accession negotiations with the European Union. “We must restore the conditions of fair competition in trade between the two countries so that everyone can benefit,” he said.

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(translate tags)Radoslav Sikorsky

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