The rally was organized in front of the district court in Bialystok on Monday evening. This is a reaction to the move of the Warsaw District Court. We remind you that the District Court of Warsaw-Shrodmieski decided not to accept the appeals of Mariusz Kaminski and Macie Vesik. Refusal to initiate enforcement proceedings. At the same time, the judge decided to prepare statements to send both law and justice politicians to prison, where they face two years of imprisonment.

“We are against an illegal state. We want a free Poland. We will not allow the introduction of a regime like Putin's Russia. It will not work here. Thank you for your presence. We are and must be united. Bialystok today, Warsaw on Thursday!” – called Jacek Sasin from PiS. Yaroslav Kaczynski's party announces a large-scale anti-government demonstration in front of the Seimas on January 11.


Sasin: Courts become courts of oppression

– JWe are warm because we feel that something important is happening in Poland today – said Jacek Sasin, former head of MAP in Bialystok. – On December 13, the coalition began to rule by grossly violating the law and taking away freedoms. Today is the day when our MPs, our ministers Mariusz Kaminski and Mackie Vesik should go to prison for their commitment to fight corruption, to clean up Poland. The courts, which were supposed to protect the rule of law and civil liberties in Poland today, will now turn into courts of pressure against political opponents, against anyone who disagrees with the course set by the ruling majority, the politician noted.

We must fight, we must take up this fight with all the methods available in a democratic country – he noted. Sassin reminded that there was no illegal takeover of public media and this also requires loud opposition from citizens.

Also read:
The judge who issued the decree about Kaminski and Vesik is a member of “Justice”.
Also read:
Deputy Minister of Justice on the decision of the President: provocation

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