“Super Express”, which commissioned the research, writes that “700,000 Internet users are already watching the Sejm channel on YouTube, although a few months ago this was unthinkable.” According to the newspaper, the new marshal, Szymon Holovnia (Polska 2050), one of the leaders of the Third Way, contributed to this.

He was able to enjoy a high turnout in the November elections, influenced by the attitudes of young Poles. ” we are reading.

How do Poles evaluate Holonia as the Speaker of the Seimas? the results of the survey

To the question: “How do you rate Shimon Holonia as the Speaker of the Seimas?” 60 percent of the respondents answered “good”, 28 percent – “bad” and 12 percent – “I don't know”. “Apparently the Poles love Holonia!” – they say “SE”.

Prof. Kazimierz Kiki, a political scientist at Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce, said in an interview with the newspaper that he was surprised by such a small number of positive votes. – Holovnia is very intelligent and has sharp answers. What he lacks in experience, he makes up for in intelligence, and experience will come with time. In addition, he has qualities that previous Speakers of the Seimas did not have, as well as character – says Kiki.

The survey was conducted in the second half of December on a sample of 1,033 Polish adults.

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