Warsaw rebel died. Piasetsky was 97 years old

Lieutenant Colonel Zbigniew Piasecki, who participated in the Warsaw Uprising, died. He had the nicknames “Różycki” and “Chocolate”. He died at the age of 97. The funeral will be held on Friday at the Szczecin Central Cemetery.

IN Warsaw Uprising Piasetsky struggled 7th battalionRuchai” And Battalion “Milo”By the way, near Tržek Krzyž Square, where he was lightly wounded. After the capitulation of the rebellion, he decided to escape the convoy of rebels leaving the city.

He fell into the hands of the Germans, who sent him away in a labor camp Oleshnika. He escaped and reached the vicinity of Kielce, where he again fell into the hands of the Germans. On January 14, 1945, he and a group of prisoners escaped from Kielce prison.

Who was Zbigniew Piasecki?

Zbigniew Piasecki was born on May 27, 1927 in Warsaw. Due to his father's service in the 19th Volhynia Lancers Regiment, he spent his childhood on the border. In 1942, he joined the Gray ranks. He had the nicknames “Różycki” and “Chocolate”.

look: Colonel Kazimierz Klimczak died. The oldest soldier of the Polish army, a Warsaw rebel, was 109 years old

Piasecki arrived in Szczecin in 1951, planning to go to the West, but ended up staying in the “restored territories”. Until 1974, he was not recognized as a member of the Home Army. He worked at Szczecin River Shipyard and Naval Construction Design Office.

The Warsaw Uprising is dead

In the 1980s, he was active in NSZZ “Solidarność”. He retired in 1987. in 2009 He received the Officer's Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta from the President of the Republic of Poland. He was also active in the Szczecin association “Katyn”. In 2021, his biography “Zbigniew Piasecki Alia's Chocolate War Odyssey” by Przemysław Benken was published.

funeral Zbigniew Piasecki will be held on Friday, January 12 at 12:30 p.m. Central Cemetery in Szczecin.

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