This was achieved by the negotiators of the European Parliament and EU member states Agreement on Migration Pact. The EU draft envisages “compulsory solidarity” with EU countries facing “migratory pressures”.

– Here, I have a cruel joke with these immigrants. They hope the Poles are ready because we have barracks. We have barracks for immigrants in Auschwitz, Majdanek, Treblinka, Štutovo. Here we have many barracks built by the Germans. And that's where we'll keep these immigrants who illegally force us Germans. People running for a better world are not outlaws. The government that let them in is illegal. So Germany is illegal. Their slogan, which welcomed the newcomers, was illegal, extra-contractual and inconsistent with the laws. This is an illegal activity of Germany. We have to be sensitive to this next year, because it seems they are starting our heads a lot and it annoys me – said satirist and publicist Jan Pietrzak on Telewizja Republika.

Pietrzak's “Cruel Joke”. Bodnar reacts

“I have asked National Prosecutor Dariusz Barski to review Jan Pietrzak's statement on Telewizja Republika and to open an investigation,” said Justice Minister and Prosecutor General Adam Bodnar via social network X (formerly Twitter).


Earlier, the Racist and Xenophobic Behavior Monitoring Center announced that it had reported on the crimes committed by Pietrzak and Televisa Republika.


The Auschwitz Museum also commented on this matter. “The tragedy of Auschwitz shows what causes the ideas of hatred and contempt for another person. The instrumentalization of the fate of people who died in German camps in anti-immigration rhetoric is a shameful and appalling manifestation of moral and intellectual corruption,” the statement reads.


The incident also caused an avalanche of comments on the Internet. Some netizens have noted that in 2015, there were media reports about Germany's plans. Accommodation of immigrants on the site of former concentration camps.

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German press: Our high social security is an incentive for migrants not to come to Poland
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Germany wants faster deportation of immigrants. The government accepted the project

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