Donald Tusk's government's takeover of public media began on December 20. Then the TVP Info signal went off.

The “new” management boards at Polish Radio and PAP were quickly introduced. The government also managed to take over the building of the TV company in St. Voronitsa. However, all this time it was the seat of the television press agency, from which, before, among others, news services and talking to guests remained under the control of the previous government, which, according to the refusal to enter the “new management” in the national court register, is considered legal.

in the building pl. The Warsaw rebels remained, among others, TVP president Michal Adamczyk and Samuel Pereira. For many days, a parliamentary inspection by PiS deputies has been going on there.

Adamchik: The battle continues

– I wanted to say that today, after 3 weeks, I am leaving the TAI building, but at the same time I would like to emphasize that this struggle is not over. This fight will lead to victory. Fight against illegality and violation of workers' rights. The fight against what the people appointed by Donald Tusk are doing – said Michal Adamczyk on Saturday.

– I want to thank you for the words of support that have been coming to us for 3 weeks and continue. On December 20, the legal authorities of Telewizja Polska were ousted by force and violence, illegality and deception. Many journalists, staff and employees were expelled. The legal signal of Polish TV has been switched off. The usurper signal is connected. These methods and actions are similar to those used in Belarus. This is not the end. The men of Lt. Col. Sienkiewicz decided to paralyze the work in this building – TAI – he said.

He noted that “this is where the heart of Television Polska has been beating for many years. Unfortunately, it has stopped beating. It is here that the signal of “Wiadomości”, “Teleexpres”, “Panorama” was heard, also the signal. TVP Info was broadcast.”

– This loop of lawlessness, spiral of lawlessness developed every day. For several days, the deputies of the Republic of Poland, who made a parliamentary intervention here, have not been allowed to enter the TAI building. Patrons and proxies are also not allowed. Therefore, here – from this place, I inform you that today, after 3 weeks, I am leaving the building of TAI, but at the same time I emphasize that this struggle is still going on – said the head of TVP.

There is no entry in the National Court Register

The conflict over power over public media continues since December 20, when Culture Minister Bartlomiej Sienkiewicz made his first personnel decisions.

Warsaw court on Friday Rejected the application to enter the Polish Radio's new powers into the National Court Register. The Referendum referred to the 1995 decision of the Constitutional Tribunal in its reasoning, which states that “the principle of independence of public radio and television broadcasting takes a clear form when its position in relation to the government and its subordinate structures is considered. .”

before The National Court Registry refused to register new members of Telewizja Polska's Supervisory Board The Minister of Culture Bartlomiej Sienkiewicz and Tomasz Sigut appointed him as the president of the company. At the end of December, Bartlomiej Sienkiewicz announced the liquidation of 17 companies managing Polish Television, Polish Radio, the Polish Press Agency and regional public radio stations. He claimed it Presidential veto Andrzej Duda to the budget-related act, which provides for the possibility of transferring up to PLN 3 billion to state-owned media companies.

Also read:
Radio elimination for you. The court approved Sienkiewicz's move

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