It's no secret that Alan Krupa doesn't have a good relationship with his father. Meanwhile, “Super Express” has learned that the rising star of the Polish music scene has changed his name. Did he want to be separated from his father? To the surprise of many, he did not take the surname of his mother, Edita Gorniak.

Alan It is the fruit of marriage Edita Gorniak and Dariush Krupa. However, his parents' relationship was very turbulent. They separated when she was a few years old. Today, the 19-year-old has a very good relationship with his mother, although his father did not participate in his upbringing.

Currently, the diva's son is developing a musical career under a pseudonym Enso. Explores the world of hip-hop and rap. He has already released songs like: “lambada”, “gentleman”, “WOW” If no “DAIQUIRI”. Recently He even sang Frank Sinatra's “Fly Me to The Moon”, which received many positive comments. Not only the audience was shocked, but also Gorniak himself.

In terms of personal life, Alan openly says that he wants nothing to do with his father. We remind you that years ago Dariush Krupa caused a fatal accident. Narcotics were found on him. He spent several years in prison.

Surprising news about Alan. He changed his name, not Gorniak

The latest information obtained by “Super Express” shows this Alan removed Krupa's name. His manager Hibart confirmed that in this way the 19-year-old wanted to be separated from his father.

– First of all, Alan wanted to break away from his father for a long time. According to him, this was the main reason.

What is Alan Krupa's name now? The young man did not take the surname of Gorniak either. He now signs himself as Alan Enso.

– Changed the name to a pseudonym in order not to be accused of building a career on the name of such a big star as his mother. He appreciates the fact that he has such a wonderful mother, such a great artist, and does not deny that this made it easier for him to start and, of course, gave him innate talent. However, he wants to build his name through honest work. In addition, it is impossible to compare such a name as Gorniak – added Hybart.

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