Recent developments in Poland – the takeover of public media, the case of Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Vesic, as well as the attempted takeover of the prosecutor's office – raise serious concerns about the legality of Donald Tusk's government's actions. . Politicians of law and justice protest and They appeal to Western politicians for support.

The following people spoke about this issue: American politician James David Vance, who does not hide his concern about the situation in Poland.

Vance wants the US to put pressure on Poland

Vance sent a letter to US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, in which he raises the question of illegal actions of the Polish government and requests the intervention of the American authorities. The senator wants the United States to pressure Donald Tusk's government to “rethink” the changes it has made to public media.

“Filing of employees of Polish Television, Polish Radio and Polish Press Agency began after Prime Minister Donald Tusk and his political allies came to power. will raise questions about this new government's commitment to media freedom and the rule of law“- writes the senator.

The politician also accuses Biden of hypocrisy, who criticized the changes in Hungary in the media, but currently seems to be oblivious to the situation in Poland. “Poland is a valuable ally and one of the few countries that meets NATO's defense spending requirement of 2 percent of GDP. I urge you to encourage the new Polish government to reconsider any actions that undermine the freedoms that both Polish and American citizens hold dear.Vance said.

Foreign politicians about the Tusk revolution

On Saturday, the leader of the Romanian opposition, George Simion, published a recognizable note on the social network. The politician is anxiously following the actions of Donald Tusk's government in Poland.

Also on Saturday Hungarian Fidesz politicians appealed to the European Commission. Hungarian politicians emphasize that Donald Tusk's government is violating the rule of law, and Brussels is using double standards as if nothing is happening in Poland.

Also read:
A big change in Poland. is Biden's comment
Also read:
“It is a state of war.” “American Spectator” strongly criticizes the actions of the Tusk government

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