website The record was published From the attempt to take over the National Prosecutor's Office by the Minister of Justice, Adam Bodnar. – Your actions are illegal and constitute a crime, – Deputy Attorney General Robert Hernand told the minister. This case was followed by a strong reaction from politicians and some judicial authorities.

Resolution of “Judges of the Republic of Poland”.

In the adopted resolution, the “National Association of Judges of the Republic of Poland” expressed clear opposition to “the attempt of the Prosecutor General to change the position of the National Prosecutor on January 12, 2024 – in gross violation of the law.” ”

The authors of the resolution believe that Adam Bodnar's attempt to remove Dariusz Barski from his position was a “gross violation of the law”. We remind you that the Minister of Justice tried to give Barski a document stating that his reinstatement on February 16, 2022 by the previous Prosecutor General, Zbigniew Ziobro, was in violation of the current regulations and had no legal effect.

“The actions taken by the Attorney General cannot be described otherwise than as an attempt to circumvent Article 14, Paragraph 1 of the Law of January 28, 2016 – Law on the Prosecutor's Office (Journal of Laws of 2023, Item 1360), which states that an appeal to the National The prosecutor and other deputy prosecutors may be appointed with the written consent of the President of the Republic of Poland,” the resolution reads.

Thus, the authors of the document state that both the attempt to remove Dariusz Barski from the National Prosecutor's Office, and the appointment of the acting prosecutor Jacek Bilevich to the position of unknown by law, have no legal basis.

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“I am watching Tusk's attack on the rule of law with great concern. A strong voice from abroad
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“Dear Mr. National Prosecutor”. Back in December, Bodnar got to know Barski

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