Marek Sierok was not fired – reports the portal based on an interview with the general director of the television, Tomasz Sigut. One of the longest-serving journalists of the channel was to be fired, which he had to officially confirm. Now there is a twist in Sierok's cooperation with the public broadcaster.

– Marek Sierok was not fired from TVP. We talked, we have a meeting Meeting after the new year. potential i A great experience Editor Sierocki will definitely use public television – Tomasz Sigut said in an interview with the Wirtualne Media portal. He denied the latest information about the departure of the new TV authorities from cooperation with the leading music journalist of the TV company.

Sierotsky is fired from TVP: “I will rest”

Jacek Gadek from unofficially reports Sierok's dismissal. Later, the journalist himself confirmed this information in Onet. As we say on

According to the journalists of this website, not only Marek Sieroki, but also other presenters and lecturers involved in “Teleexpress” ended their cooperation with the format. Sierok initially declined to comment on the matter, but eventually did spoke into it.

– I will definitely rest, I have no plans yet – he said in an interview with “Fakt”. – I will focus on the radio. This is my job,” the journalist added.

Sierok has been the musical face of Teleexpress for almost 40 years

Marek Sierok worked not only in TVP. He is the host of Radio Plus. From Monday to Friday at 12 o'clock he hosts “Przebojowa Poczta Marek Sierocki”, and on Fridays and Saturdays at 20 “Party with Marek Sierocki”. On Sunday at 15 you can listen to his next program “Marek Sierok's Musical Alphabet”.

Sierok has been the face of “Teleexpress” since the mid-1980s, the audience knew him from presenting music news. In addition, from 1991 to 1997, he was the editor-in-chief of the Polish edition of “Bravo” magazine.

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