Vincent Witos was one of the greatest creators of the Polish ethosPolish patriotism among Polish peasants, during the period when our country gained independence – President Andrzej Duda spoke on Sunday in the small Polish town of Voynich. 150th anniversary of birth Prime Minister, leader of Centrolew and activist of the peasant movement in interwar Poland. Earlier, the President laid a wreath at the grave of Vitos in his hometown Wierzoslavice.

In his speech, Andrzej Duda returned to the arrest and jailing of the leader of the People's Party, as well as other politicians who opposed the Sanation authorities. Castle in Brest-Litovskwithout any upfront fees. He compared the events of the Brest trial with the current political situation.

A. Duda: They put MPs in jail, this reminds us of the 1930s

– It is not only the 150th anniversary of the birth of this great Pole, the leader of the people's movement, the co-founder of the Polish People's Party and the Polish People's Party “Piast”, later Centrolev, but also And a question that Vincent Vitos would probably ask if he were physically among us, about today's Poland. About what is happening in Poland today, that the MPs are stuck in prison. Because it reminds us of that 1930 – The president spoke in the Voynich school hall. – At least in that situation A lock was found and Parliament was dissolved early. And there was a break when they did not have immunity, so they could be locked in the Brest fortress. Now he was no longer attached Andrzej Duda said.

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In this way, the president pointed to the arrest and imprisonment of the former Heads of CBA and PiS politicians – Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Wąsik. On December 20, 2023, the Warsaw District Court sentenced former ministers to two years in prison for the so-called The land scandal and the police arrested the president in the palace on Tuesday.

Today someone will shout, after all, this is the justice system. Even then there was a justice system. The Brest court did not formally decide against any politician, but the judges sentenced politicians and patriots of that time to prison under various pretexts in order to arrest them and set an example of horrors. realization of political will – President Duda assured the listeners. – What would Vincent Vitos say today? Then he was arrested, when his activities were stopped in prison, who then had to leave Poland, and who never gave a serious excuse to accuse him of anti-state and anti-Polish activities? – asked the head of state.

President: Vitos will never agree to that

As Duda added, Witos “wanted a free, sovereign, independent, democratic Poland without the ills that afflict it, such as corruption.” –

Because you know that by the way, that's why he left PSL and founded PSL-Piast. Because he opposed the corruption of the party government at that time, because he knew that such a phenomenon should be condemned with all his might. Where is the PSL today? He is part of the ruling coalition that imprisons MPs – said the president and attacked the modern leadership of the Polish People's Party.

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– precisely because of the lack of unity in society, because of the incredibly deep “gap” caused by the arrest of people whom a large part of the nation considered their leaders and leaders whose ideas and way of life they completely shared and identified with, they never were. Can adapt to Sanasi, Jozef Pilsudski and his decisions, Duda noted.

Let this be a great warning sign to all politicians in today's Polish RepublicEspecially for those who are currently in power, what is it leading to The arrogance of power and the feeling of impunity, or as I prefer to call it: “terror of the rule of law”. – the president said, emphasizing that Vitos would never agree to this, because “he always sought parliamentary, diplomatic and legal solutions”.

V. Kosiniak-Kamish responds to the President

Chairman of PSL-TD Andrzej Duda quickly responded to the speech. Władysław Kosiniak-Kamish, who also spoke about the current situation of convicted PiS politicians. “Vincent Witos fought for a law-abiding, free and democratic Poland. A Poland where everyone is equal before the law and Party interest never exceeds the interests of the motherland. Costs In addition to mentioning the leader of the “people's movement”, implement the ideas to which he was committed“- the head of PSL writes on X.

Kosiniak-Kamish also recalled that thanks to the efforts of the group and the Ombudsman, in 2023 “The disgraceful decision of the Brest court”And Vitos was acquitted. As he added, The representative of the prosecutor's office was against the cassation of the unjust verdictwhich, as in 1932, acted “against the principles of legal supremacy and state prudence”.

He also commented on the President's words Deputy Speaker of the Seimas Piotr Zgorzelski (PSL)who assessed that “today The president's statements are outrageous and emotional, not factual.. “The new PSL has always been, is and will be on the side of democracy, law and justice – as a reconstruction group of sanation – has never respected democracy. Just as it does not respect the last choice of the Poles,” – Zgorzelski. Written on the X platform.

In a subsequent note, the deputy marshal noted that “Vincent Vitos was put in prison by PiS sanation idols and the president on the Brest mock trial.” “This is the new PSL with Kosińak-Kamish and with the support of Adam Bodnar fought to rehabilitate Vitos, thanks to which The Supreme Court acquitted the former PSL leaders. These are the facts,” Zgorzelski noted.

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