– Pavel, I promise you and I think I can do it on behalf of all of us, that we will not rest until we are sure that Poland and the Polish nation will be freed from contempt and hatred, from lies. that a bad word will never kill an honest person – Prime Minister Donald Tusk said in Gdańsk. The fifth anniversary of the death of the mayor of the city, Pavel Adamović, is being celebrated there.

January 13 passes Five years since the attack on Pavel Adamovich. The Mayor of Gdańsk took part in charity celebrations related to the 27th finale of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity. When he was on stage, he stayed The attacker stabbed him three times. As a result of his wounds, he died the next afternoon. In March 2023, the criminal was sentenced to life imprisonment.

– Today, he would like Pavel Adamovich May we all smile in Gdańsk and all over Poland. TOh, it's not easy. Today we gathered in our beloved city to remind all of Poland and Europe about the brutal attack on the President of Gdańsk – Donald Tusk began his speech. – Pavel would like it, and we all, without exception, owe it to him to meet every year at the place of his tragic death, to think and talk about the future. Not only about the incident, said the Prime Minister.

Tusk: An evil word will never kill an honest man again

The politician recalled that a few hours after learning about the death of the Gdańsk president, the residents, excited by the tragic event, gathered in Długi Targ near the Artus court. – I said then that I will remember these words for the rest of my life, his and mine and many of us. Favorite Solidarity Song To whom Paul was faithful from his early years until the last moment of his life. A song we all pray to GodTo protect us from contempt and hatred. Pavel also helps us, Gdańsk, Poland, with his sacrifice, to protect us from contempt and hatred – recalled Donald Tusk, adding that although Adamowicz's death was unnecessary, it “gave a deep meaning to the belief” that Gdańsk and all of Poland should be. devoid of these emotions.

look: The fifth anniversary of Pavel Adamovich's death. What are the holidays in Gdansk?

The leader of the Civic Platform, of which the tragically dead Adamovic was a long-time member, also recalled the Athens mayor's words when he received the Pavel award 10 months after the attack. – The then mayor of Athens said that Paul did not die that day, but he was there Killed with hate, scorn and bad words for many, many months – argued the Prime Minister.

look: Interview with Prime Minister Donald Tusk on January 12 on Polsat

– Today, every Pole faces this big question: Will we succumb to hatred, hatred and lies if we overcome this dramatic moment in our country's history?And will the legacy of Pavel Adamović be stronger than the evil that has spread in our homeland in recent years – Donald Tusk continued, adding that he wants to repeat the promise made on the day of the president's death. Gdańsk. – paul i promise And I think I can do it on behalf of all of us, that we will not rest until we make sure that Poland and the Polish nation are freed from hatred and hatred, from lies. That an evil word will never again kill an honest man. I promise you this – he finished his speech on the stage of the premiere.

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