On Friday, Maciej Wąsik's name appeared on the Sejm's website under the “Former Deputies of the Current Term” tab. An annotation was written on the side: “Loss of the right to vote.”

Before that, the name of Mariusz Kaminski was included in the department.

Seim website

The case of Kaminski and Vesik. What does the president's decision mean?

In December 2023, Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Vasik were sentenced to two years in prison by the final verdict. Land scandal, despite the fact that in 2015 President Andrzej Duda used the amnesty law against them (after an indefinite sentence).

On Tuesday evening, PiS politicians were detained by the police at the presidential palace, where they were at the invitation of the head of state. The former ministers were first taken to the police station in St. Grenadiers, and then in Grokhov's advance division. On Wednesday, they were transferred to other prisons – Kaminski prison in Radom and Vesik in the town of Przytuli Stare near Ostrolenka. Both politicians started hunger strike.

– I decided so I am starting the pardon procedure Andrzej Duda said on Thursday at the conference with the spouses of Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Vesic. The president also said that he has directed the Minister of Justice and Attorney General Adam Bodnar to release the former CBA executives pending the conclusion of the trial. The procedure provides that pardon requests addressed directly to the President will be forwarded to the Attorney General for review. After rendering the conclusion, the court must transfer the case to the first instance to consider this case. The court must consider the request within two months of receiving it.

At the press conference held on Friday, the Minister of Justice announced that he had read the written request of the President to suspend the execution of sentences by Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Vasik. – On this stage No decisions have been made Adam Bodnar said about this issue. This means that, contrary to the appeal of the head of state, PiS politicians will remain behind bars for the time being.

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Holovnia responds to the President's move. “It doesn't change anything”
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After the president's decision, Machak addresses Bodnar. “I know this is controversial”

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