So far, the Tusk government has provided little information about the new program. First, for its funding this year PLN 500 million will be allocated. secondly, The government hopes that it will be 50,000 GEL. Preferential loans. We also know that the program will be subject to limitations.

The rest of the article is below the video

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A household of one or two persons will receive a loan at an interest rate of 1.5 percent, a household of three persons – 1 percent, a household of four persons – 0.5 percent, a family of five persons – 0 percent.

It is also known that The preferential interest rate will be applied to only part of the loan. The rest will be charged interest according to the bank's offer. What will be the limits?

  • A one-person family will receive a subsidy of up to PLN 200,000. zloty
  • double – PLN 400,000 zlotys,
  • Triple room – PLN 450,000,
  • Four-seater – PLN 500,000,
  • Five-seater – PLN 600,000.

A repeat of “secure credit”? There is such concern

Marek Wielgo, portal expert, comments on that Setting income limits for beneficiaries of the new program will change practically nothing.

– It is quite high. And this is good, because the introduction of lower income limits means that some borrowers may not be able to repay the loan in the future – says the expert. – It should be noted that according to the information of the Credit Information Bureau, the credibility of the beneficiaries of the so-called credit scoring, i.e. “safe credit 2%” program is lower than in the case of housing loans issued under market conditions – Vielgo emphasizes.

He also notes that the reduction in the cost of the loan will probably appeal to many potential buyers. but”“They should take into account that if they postpone buying an apartment until the middle of the year, they will pay more.

I am afraid that the history of “2% safe loan” will be repeated, which encouraged those who could not count on state subsidies to buy apartments. This led to a sharp increase in apartment prices, says Marek Wielgo.

In his opinion There is also a risk that potential beneficiaries of the program will have nothing to buy in the largest cities.

“Safe loan 2 percent” He cleared the housing offer of development companies from the cheapest building. For example, in Wrocław, at the end of June 2023, buyers could choose from more than 700 offers to buy apartments for up to PLN 400,000. zloty. At the end of November, there were only less than 100 of them, or 87 percent. less – notes the expert.

In his opinion, being single can be particularly disadvantageous.

– For PLN 200,000 you won't find anything in Warsaw, Krakow, Tricity or Wroclaw. PLN loan. If they didn't have at least twice as much as their own contribution – emphasizes the expert.

“We need to stimulate supply, not demand.”

Anton Boubiel, president and co-founder of, admits that a government project would be better. – I am not in favor of stimulating demand. Ра What we need is to stimulate supply, primarily by freeing up more land, to build more apartments. Stimulating demand is “taking the easy way out” by politicians, says's interlocutor.

The effects of the “Safe 2% Credit” program are already known – Record housing prices and even greater unaffordability Those who did not meet the conditions of the program – he emphasizes.

According to him, the new program is a better solution than the previous one. – In my opinion, the changes are going in the right direction. “Secured credit” has benefited many people who could have used a market loan, so I see it as an inefficient use of our taxes in the form of unfair redistribution. Introducing an income criterion is a step in the right direction and will ensure that those who really need it benefit much more from public assistance. The “PLN for PLN” rule when exceeding the limit also seems logical and fair – says Anton Bubieli.

He also appreciates that zero percent is not available to everyone. – A very good direction is also the decreasing share of the interest rate on outstanding loans with state support, depending on the size of the household. I understand that the thing is 0% interest. He had to appear in the program to fulfill his election promise. At the same time The interest rate for singles and couples I think could be 3 or 4%.Which would also be favorable compared to today's market interest rate – says the head of

However, he also sees flaws in the project. – With a program subject to so many criteria, the age criterion (35 years) for singles is not entirely clear to me.. A certain disadvantage of the program in its proposed form will be its complex nature and, therefore, the effort that potential borrowers will have to estimate the amount of potential support. But it seems to be better than the “urawniłówka” provided by “Safe Credit”, says Bubiel.

“Secure Credit” was truly a gift to developers. Developers should not complain about the “Mieszkanie na start” program, but the criteria of the proposed program will certainly limit the group of potential beneficiaries and thus limit the impact of the program on the housing market. At the same time, there is no need to deceive yourself – it was already cheap, and at the moment everything indicates that it will become more and more expensive. Although prices may rise a little more slowly, adds our interlocutor.

Politicians – not just the opposition – criticize the program

“Apartment for beginners” was criticized not only by the representatives of the former government. Dorota Olko, an MP from the Razem group, which supported Tusk's government, sees the downsides of this solution. “A couple planning a child must have more than PLN 400,000 to get a 0% loan for this apartment. savings. Don't you have that much? Well, deal with the rising prices,” wrote Lewica's vice president.

Loading funds into loan subsidies instead of municipal housing is absurd, he added.

The new project has also been met with criticism from those who were pushing their own solutions for the real estate market just a few weeks ago. Valdemar Buda, the former minister responsible for “safe credit”, published an extensive comment on the Internet.

It should have been a 0% loan. There will be – but only for a family of five” – he wrote on the social network. He also talked about the limits included in the project of the new government. “Do you and your partner or spouse receive more than 6400 PLN? You will not benefit! Why can't a 36-year-old person benefit from the program? This is unacceptable,” he said.

He also criticized the late implementation of the project. “Why should the stakeholders wait for half a year to start the program when it can be easily implemented in a few weeks on a 'secured credit' basis,” he asked.

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