Another incident occurred during Kaczynski's march. Mateusz Morawiecki and the organizers stopped their speeches asking for emergency help. – Please, open the way! This is the most important thing now! Someone lost their mind, said the former prime minister.

The incident during Kaczynski's march. Morawiecki applied for emergency relief

– Please send an ambulance! Please open the way! This is the most important thing now! I know it's tight. Let the ambulance go. Someone has lost consciousness, said Mateusz Morawiecki, interrupting him.

After a while, one of the organizers spoke. – Two steps back to rest. You should breathe freely everywhere. Let's send an ambulance! Two steps back! – he asked.

As we wrote in naTematThis is the second such case of the Kaczynski march.

It is possible that the reason for interference is negative temperature. It's been really bitter cold in Poland for a few days now.

In such weather, doctors and experts invariably warn about the significant harm of weather conditions to the human body. This is especially true for older people.

According to the information of the Warsaw City Hall, about 35,000 people participate in the event. people. The organizers talked about one hundred thousand participants, but there is no confirmation of this information in the messages of the services.

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