President Andrzej Duda V New Year message Published on New Year's Eve, it said, among other things, about the changes in Polish politics after the elections and the new government's takeover of public media.

– In free Poland, for the first time since 1989, there was an attempt to take control of the public media by force, to turn off the television signals of some channels and to stop broadcasting news programs. Finally, Polish television, Polish radio and Polish press agency were liquidated – the president noted.

He emphasized that “those in power can reform the public media, but it must be done in accordance with the law.” – I was always open to such discussions regarding legislative changes. However, I will never agree to violate the constitution. And that's the situation we're dealing with right now, unfortunately, Duda said.

Arlukovic: The message was full of frustration

President Duda is criticized by Bartos Arlukovic from the civil platform. In his opinion, Prime Minister Tusk had a unifying message in his speech, while the president showed “political helplessness” and attacked the ruling majority.

– Both messages are completely different, because Donald Tusk's message is unifying, expresses hope, desire for change, and President Duda's message is full – in my opinion – of disappointment, political helplessness, directed towards conflict – said Bartos Arlukovic to Radio Kozalin.

According to the deputy, all this shows that “we will have to deal with all this in the coming year”. – We will have a president who will be the president of the PiS camp and Prime Minister Tusk, and a government that will build and try to build unity and society, the politician continued.

The President's speech received a wide response. The head of state was presented critically Also in the new news program i9.30 – the main news program on “Akhal” TVP.

Also read:
Valensa appeals to the authorities: Duda must be tried

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