“During the election campaign, the police arrested MP Kinga Gajewska at the election rally of Mateusz Morawiecki. Today, the court found that his arrest was: illegal, wrong and unjustified,” lawyer Jacek Dubois, who represented the civil coalition politician.


– We discovered that the police broke the law. It is the discovery of body functioning disorders. Based on this, you can request compensation, but we have not discussed this with the MP yet – explained the lawyer in an interview with Wirtualna Polska. – We are waiting for written justification. Most importantly, the court accepted our plea and three conditions, he added. As mentioned on the WP website, this refers to: abuse of authority, illegal deprivation of liberty and violation of the inviolability of a civil servant.

Arrest of Kinga Gaevska

We remind you that on September 19, during Mateusz Morawiecki's meeting with the residents of Otwock, The police arrested the civil coalition MP Kinga Gaevska. After a while, the KO politician was released from the police car. Many politicians of the opposition at that time shared the recording of the incident on social networks. The chairman of the Civic Platform, Donald Tusk, also posted a video of the police intervention and added the comment: “Police detain MP Kinga Gajewska, who informs Otvok residents about 250,000 migrants allowed in by PiS.”

Police said the officers did not know they were dealing with a parliamentarian who had immunity. “We are transparent. The recording is complete, without censorship, thanks to the body-worn cameras with which we systematically train the police. The police are not obliged to know each of the 460 deputies and 100 senators,” the police said and published the recording. About the whole incident online. For their part, KO politicians noted that Gajewska clearly informed the police that he was an MP and that people at the scene shouted this.

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