The doyen of the Polish Prosecutor's Office exposes the usurpation of the Minister of Justice, Adam Bodnar. – Your actions are illegal and constitute a crime – Deputy Prosecutor General Robert Hernand told the minister. In this text, we reveal the behind-the-scenes of the attack on the prosecutor's office. I encourage you to read!

A social media storm

We have shown a tape documenting the attempted takeover of the National Prosecutor's Office by the Minister of Justice, Adam Bodnar. This post caused an avalanche of comments.


“Bravo, prosecutor Robert Hernand,” says César Gmizi, a journalist for Do Rzech. Proc. Robert Hernand has been the Deputy Attorney General since 2010. Atty. Bartosz Lewandowski, rector of the Collegium Intermarium, says: “It's shocking.” Journalist Grzegorz Vsolek, on his part, notes: “In the end, the stronger will win. That is, the one who has the power.” “Prosecutor Robert Hernand has been Deputy Attorney General since 2010. He informed the Minister of Justice and Attorney General Adam Bodnar that he broke the law. And what, probably nothing,” says Marcin Dobski of the Salon24 website.

Judge Jakub Izaniec notes with irony that “Mr. Bodnar with his henchmen came from LSO Lex Super Omnia to the headquarters of the National Prosecutor under the cover of darkness as a usurper and overseer. “A mockery of the democratic rule of law,” he adds. .

PiS politicians strongly criticize Adam Bodnar's attitude. “Bodnar is removed from the content. He knows that he will respond. He is surprised that he is carrying out Tusk's illegal order. As well as Prosecutor Bilevich. His every decision will be illegal. They hope that there will never be. There will be a change of power. They are wrong. It is a 30-year statute of limitations . There has never been so much time,” notes MP Jacek Ozdoba (Sovereign Poland). Former head of the Ministry of Justice, Marcin Warczol, notes: “The (non)Justice Minister is scared and uncertain about the strength of the arguments of Deputy Prosecutor General Robert Hernand. He is trying to use a cover. Donald Tusk , who has already washed his hands of this issue.”

Also read:
Deputies of Bodnar informed the prosecutor's office about this. “Illegal attempt to dismiss PC”
Also read:
Why Bodnar's rush? Romanovsky shows the reason

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