General Director of the Office of the Speaker of the Seimas Stanislav Zakochimski said that Jacek Cichoki, the head of the Chancellery of the Seimas. blocked cards For the vote belonging to Mariusz Kaminski and Mackie Vesic. This means that both politicians will not be able to participate in the voting in the Seimas.

– Today, Minister Chichotski gave an instruction, as a kind of protection of the rule of law, to deactivate the cards of both. According to my information, they are not working, but the final decision regarding the participation of both deputies in the meeting will be made and announced by the marshal before the meeting, said Zazdroviemski.

A wave of comments

Describing the blocking of Parliament's cards as “protecting the rule of law” sparked an avalanche of comments online.

“It's a 'rule of law' of sorts, so what regulation is it the result of?” After Bodnar, another eagle who seeks but cannot find a legal basis for his actions, so he turns to Newspeak. just use it. The word “rule of law” as a magic spell to justify every illegal act,” writes former Deputy Minister of Justice Sebastian Kaleta.

“'A sort of defense of the rule of law'. In layman's terms, extreme lawlessness. Come to the Sejm on January 11 to protest Poland's move to lawlessness and coalition tyranny on December 13.” said Jacek Sasin, former Minister of State Property.

“And what is the legal basis for this “kind of protection of the rule of law”? – asks Marzena Pachuska, a member of the National Broadcasting Council.

“Protection of the rule of law” – this is how the government describes banditry and gangsterism today,” writes investigative journalist Piotr Nistor.

“A kind of security of the rule of law”. We have a very interesting country,” said journalist Mateusz Maranowski.

“”A kind of security for the rule of law”. It is better to close this unfortunate Sejm altogether and throw the key into the Vistula. Of course, @Adbodnar will find some legal basis for this solution and there will be full rule of law,” writes Katarzyna Treter-Sierpińska, columnist for wprawo portal. pl.

Also read:
Is the Deputy Minister of Justice the wife of a famous boss? “Conflict of interest”
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Trudowski: Poland is facing a hellish crisis. Results are difficult to predict

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